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March 28, 2025

Daughter-In-Law of Felony-Indicted Board Member Calls Treasurer A Lying Bitch –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 3, 2024

Shelby Co., Ill., (ECWd) –

During last night’s Shelby County Legislative Committee Meeting, Beleena Boehm, the daughter-in-law of felony-indicted Teresa Boehm and sister-in-law to criminally charged Chris Boehm, claimed the treasurer is “nasty and vile” during her public comment which started at approximately 1:41:43 mark of the video.

Later in the meeting, at around the 2:34:15 mark, Boehm called the Shelby County Treasurer a “lying bitch” when she didn’t like an explanation the treasurer was giving.

Video of the committee meeting is below.


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  • JP
    Posted at 19:07h, 05 July

    Since it seems the timekeeping solution remains a point of consternation at all levels I do question the process utilized in making the selection for this timekeeping solution. Granted a solution of some kind needed put in place to shore up the multitude of problems in the previous timekeeping process, but has this made it any better?

    So, I guess the questions would be: 1) What was the process utilized in determining the best solution for the County? 2) Was this timekeeping solution thoroughly vetted and extensive research done regarding not only the positives but the negatives others have discovered using this solution? 3) What process was used to gather all the necessary requirements that anew solution should possess for the County? 4) Were all Departments given an opportunity to provide their individual Departmental requirements? 5) Were the requirements of the other Departments considered in the final product selection? 6) Was this put out for bid or was this considered a sole source solution? These questions are not to be critical of the needed solution but more towards ensuring the best quality timekeeping solution was purchased and selected. It is the understanding there are often issues with downtime and bugs in the software.

  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 14:59h, 04 July

    What a great representative for Shelby county. Did you notice she stated the next board will undo everything the current board is doing. Guess she and those she supports (SCU) don’t like the law being followed and policy that protects taxpayers. Clearly she does not believe in a timekeeping system that reduces fraud.
    If this is truly the majority opinion in Shelby county there is trouble around the corner for taxpayers.

    • JP
      Posted at 19:14h, 05 July

      Really, MSGT Droopy? That’s a pretty broad assumption. Perhaps a modicum of restraint should have been used all around in that meeting. Calling out the Sheriff was classless. If you watch the entire exchange there is more to the story besides a snippy comment towards the Treasurer. It seems she became a bit chaffed at one point and walked out then directed her insults at the Sheriff. The same for the committee chair. Those comments should have been made. So let’s look at both sides of the coin. Restraint should have been utilized by all.

    • JP
      Posted at 19:20h, 05 July

      Correction, should not have been said and it was committee person Firnhaber that made the snide comments. Not the committee chairman.
