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October 19, 2024

Federal Lawsuit Accuses Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard And Keith Freeman Of Retaliation, Attempted Takeover Of School Trustee Board –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 16, 2024

Thornton Township, Ill. (ECWd) –

A federal lawsuit file on June 13, 2024, accuses Thornton Township Supervisor and Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard and Keith Freeman (who has been indicted for fraud) of attempting to essentially take over the Thornton Township Trustee of Schools Board.

We were fully aware of this as it was happening, and believe federal authorities were also watching this go down.

This is another example of what appears to be Henyard’s typical method of obtaining approval or acquiescence of her actions for the past couple of years, here is what this lawsuit says happened:

  • Plaintiff, a township employee for 20 years, ran for the elected position of Township Trustee of Schools
  • Henyard and Freeman initiated communications with employee with their plan to take over the trustees of schools
  • Henyard and Freeman wanted to terminate the attorney for the school trustees, and wanted Del Galdo law firm placed as the attorney for the trustees of schools
  • Henyard and Freeman wanted to terminate the trustee’s treasurer and install their hand-picked replacement
  • Andrew Holmes (also Dolton Village Trustee) was elected as a trustee of schools, along with plaintiff
  • Freeman approached Plaintiff in reference to Henyard’s plan to take over the school and make changes, specifically changes in the attorney and treasurer positions
  • Plaintiff was given a $10,000 pay raise at the township
  • Plaintiff was taken out to several breakfasts and other events by Henyard and Freeman to attempt to gain his approval for what they were attempting to do
  • Plaintiff never agreed
  • Freeman posted an unauthorized special meeting agenda at the school trustee office, in which he had placed agenda items to hire new attorney and new treasurer
  • There was no quorum, so those attempts failed
  • Plaintiff went on a scheduled vacation from his township job
  • After the failed meeting, plaintiff was terminated from his employment at the township for alleged “insubordination” and “misconduct” – things Plaintiff claims never happened, and that fabricated “discipline” reports were generated and placed in his personnel file

The six-count complaint lists First Amendment Retaliation, Fourteenth Amendment Retaliation, Common Law Retaliatory Discharge, Conspiracy, Common Law Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, and Violation of the Illinois Personnel Records Review Act.

Dwayne Thrash vs Thornton Township, Henyard & Freeman


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  • Lincoln
    Posted at 15:39h, 18 June

    Scott: Strong women do not succumb to the antics of those “unsavory male characters” and do not tolerate such foolery. Do not fall for the excuses. It is obvious that her marching orders and those of the other equally inept male mayors are being given by someone who is higher up the totem pole. And that person is most likely a man. No question on that. Yet, in the case of Henyard, she draws special attention to all those misguided directions she follows. But make no mistake, she is no different than her male counterpart puppets in Calumet City, Harvey, Robbins, etc. They are all enjoying the financial benefits they receive from destroying those communities. They don’t care about seniors, the poor, or the disabled. They only care about following the playbook dictated to them and putting money into their pockets. If you look closely, it’s a disturbing pattern in the south suburbs and the interwoven political connections go much farther than what is seen on the surface.

  • Scott L
    Posted at 10:46h, 18 June

    Lincoln: these “reporters” will not report on the mayors of the other towns you mentioned because they are men while they continue their misogynistic harrassment of a strong women politician who unfortunately has been bullied into bringing unsavory male characters into her administration. The “reporters” of this website continue to press their misogyny. If they would do proper investigating instead of surmising, they would see that Mayor/Supervisor Henyard has been held “hostage” to the male members of her administration. But as true misogynists, they just attack a strong woman who cares deeply for her low income senior citizen constituents. And unfortunately in order to accomplish that, she has had to make deals with poor male characters. But you would report that, as you would have to sympathize with a strong woman politician, and that frightens you as part of the male establishment,

  • Lincoln
    Posted at 12:06h, 16 June

    Thank you for posting on the latest fiasco to plague the south suburbs. Unfortunately, she’s not the only mayor in that area to run wild and unchecked. Harvey’s mayor is a tool, and so is Calumet City’s. Take a closer look into Thaddeus Jones. He recently voted to have taxpayers pay for his personal expenses. These uneducated and illiterate goons have all been trained by a higher official in the Illinois Democrat party, likely the one whose corruption trial will be taking place in the Fall. Did they all meet at some secret underground location and were told how to rob citizens? Of course, they would pick the most incompetent to turn the state into a cesspool. That whole area needs to be cleaned up with one arrest following the other. It’s criminally insane and the seniors in that area need to wake up and stop falling for free garbage and horrible events.
