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March 28, 2025

Shelby County – Santa Is Back

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 21, 2024

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

We asked for assistance in locating any State’s Attorney Conference in the Orlando Florida area during December of 2022 in this article.

While we are confident we have exhausted all efforts of identifying any such conference and believe no such conference was held in Florida, we have identified something of interest.

While we can not disclose the source of the public record at this time, we can confirm the former Shelby County State’s Attorney received an email from the Illinois State’s Attorney Association.  Attached to the communication was this flyer.

“Santa is Back 


ON DECEMBER 14-16, 2022” (emphasis added)

With the confirmation that the Illinois State’s Attorney Association held its winter conference in Oak Brook, IL, December 14-16, 2022, is it fair for the public to demand an answer as to why former State’s Attorney Nichole Kroncke used public credit to reserve a hotel that appears to be in Orlando, FL in November of 2022?

Her letter indicated she attended the State’s Attorney conference and was going to pay for it herself because she was resigning.  Is that the reason or is the truth of the matter leaning towards a personal purchase for a Florida hotel reservation that got redacted to avoid questions being raised?

So many questions and too few answers.  We sure hope the ISP is paying attention and gets answers to these questions in their investigation.

A copy of the flyer can be downloaded at this link or viewed below.

SA Winter Conferance




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  • JP
    Posted at 12:07h, 18 June

    So then you’re saying Kirk that Social media is the only way one can consume information? What did we do before the internet and social media? Hmm? Newspapers, one on one conversations, books, etc were mainstays for dissemination of information. Seems kind of close minded of you Kirk. That’s okay. You do you.

  • JP
    Posted at 20:50h, 17 June

    Well, that’s an interesting perspective on how information is distributed in a community Kirk. However, that’s incorrect in this case. How many diners and restaurants are there in that county? People talk over a meal and cup of coffee all the time. It’s what we used to do for decades before the internet. So the need for social media accounts are not necessary. Heck, people get drunk and spill all kinds of information unsolicited oftentimes.

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 09:31h, 18 June

      Thanks for confirming you’re one who believes coffee shop talk without a shred of evidence to support the claims being made. Speaks volumes.

  • JP
    Posted at 06:37h, 17 June

    Circling back to this now that the details are fully known it does appear that the website used to book the hotel reservation was in fact centered out of Florida; but the hotel location was in the Oak Brook area. So the claims of potential malfeasance were incorrect in this matter. Will you be posting a formal retraction and apology?

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 15:21h, 17 June

      Sounds like your listening to the BS from SCF page. The hotel reservation site WAS NOT as they claim and the actual LOH site is no longer in existence and was covered in an article. The phone number was a NY number and how special that SCF DID NOT disclose a unredacted copy of the charges as insinuated in their propaganda. There is absolutely NOTHING to apologize for as the fact remains just as published. You should demand the apology from Chris who must cant seem to tell the whole truth.

      • JP
        Posted at 16:23h, 17 June

        Well, that’s kind of difficult as I am not on social media. I am not sure what a SCF is or whom this Chris is; but based on the tenor of your response you may have a bit of love/hate relationship with them. So let’s untwist your boxers and dial it down. Just because someone has a difference of opinion does not mean they wear the proverbial tin foil hat. It’s called being objective. The facts presented are not 100% concrete. Can you prove 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt your facts in the story are correct? There seem to be some screen door on a submarine holes in it based on new information that has come to light.

        • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
          Posted at 20:13h, 17 June

          Yes, EVERYTHING in our article is 100% concrete. The actual records we published clearly dispute what you alleged, which comes from the propaganda on SCF. Hard to accept you know nothing about that when you imply the very things they said. What are you going to say when the search warrant is released? ISP appears to believe there is a real issue, otherwise no need to wast time on search warrants.

  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 16:25h, 26 May

    SF I am curious why you have not spoke out about other women in Shelby county dealing with Terry Hutchcraft? He has suggested they should die, they are fat etc. Nichole Kroncke is exposed for bad behavior and you want to call it harassment? You are exposing yourself and proving you do. It know her very well. Read the McHenry county blog. She is less than moral or ethical.

  • JP
    Posted at 09:03h, 22 May

    Can it be confirmed that the billing location for the Hotel/Motel chain is not located in Orlando? Has the hotel chain been contacted to confirm a reservation in either location for the given date of the conference?

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 08:40h, 23 May

      The phone number on the billing is no longer an active number. I called the hotel where the conferance was held and they will not disclose or confirm if a guest was there.
