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March 29, 2025

Shelby County Board Voted To Sell County Farm –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 10, 2024

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

During last night’s Shelby County Board meeting, and amid considerable disruptions from a few people present in the gallery, the board voted 12:7 to take all steps necessary to sell the county farmland to the highest responsible bidder.

There was considerable discussion among the board members prior to the vote.

The sale will occur via sealed bid after all required steps are completed, ie: survey, appraisal, etc.

View the video below:


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  • Paul Kane
    Posted at 09:39h, 11 May

    I take issue with board member Williams conduct. From the meeting:

    1. No courtesy given to the farm committee chair on his agenda item regarding the farm. This lack of courtesy is given following a farm committee meeting whereby Mr. Williams was the only committee member in attendance.

    2. Flip-flopping from strictly a constitutional requirement as related to public purpose to a “business decision”. To add insult to that injury, he offers a remedial “visual aide” to ‘explain’ the financial impacts.

    3. Drawing into question the integrity of the Clerk after his 11th hour email to her and some attached “policy” document. This seemed a purely selfish ploy in relation to the chair in the moment whereby Mr. Fox was subsequently not allowed to speak outside of public comment.

    4. Repeatedly gesturing with his thumb, condescending the chair and the entire public body.

    • Nah Fuchs Givahn
      Posted at 16:33h, 11 May

      The problem is that Mr. Williams has written so much in the fantasy genre that his life is beginning to resemble that . He is regularly condescending when cornered based on the meetings I have personally watched in which he had involvement. Perhaps Mr. Williams should reflect on the word Integrity which he espouses to adhere to? He was caught in a lie during the farm meeting and attempted to spin another fantasy in the Triangulum to work himself out of the web he had spun. Fail Jeremy. The FOIA shows he lied and compromised his espoused integrity values. He could have been forthright and owned it and just said “yes, I emailed the request to the Clerk to have the sale item put on the agenda for the board meeting”. Instead he spins his tales in the Triangulum. This Board is an absolute sham.

      This isn’t bitching it’s pointing out this boards value system is in the toilet.

      • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
        Posted at 21:12h, 11 May

        He answered the question asked of him truthfully. You might go back and listen closely to the question rather than believe the lies being spread about what really took place. Maybe if the brain trust asking question would have asked him if HE was placing the matter on the agenda a direct response may have been provided.

      • Paul Kane
        Posted at 00:29h, 12 May

        The board isn’t a sham, and a single member isn’t the board. 

        I agree you’re not bitching….your values system is spelled out “NAH FUCHS GIVAHN”. with a writing similarly styled by Shelby County’s very own anonymous Jay Cee…whom I refer to as junior, also known in cartoon land as Dennis the Menace.

        Try to bring your energy to specific details without losing so much focus on the greater good next time, junior. Clear your mind first… can do it!

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 07:36h, 10 May

    Guess this is one way to make this headache go away.

    • Paul Kane
      Posted at 09:56h, 11 May

      An Illinois county government gravitating to partisan ease is unsurprising, however Shelby disappoints.
