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March 28, 2025

Illinois State Police FOIA Settlement Expenses- We Stand Corrected -$258,816.47

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 29, 2024

Illinois (ECWd) –

Last week we broke the story on the Illinois State Police (ISP), having spent $237,316.47 on Freedom of Information Act lawsuit settlements in the last five years.  (prior article here)

Today we received an updated response from the ISP FOIA officer which indicates our prior reporting, based on the actual public records provided, was not correct.  How ironic is it that once again, FOIA was not complied with by the ISP by not providing all the records in their possession at the time of the request?  We do appreciate the effort to ensure we have all the records requested as had they not provided them, we would have never known the actual dollar figures spent is more than we first reported.

“ISP located two additional settlement agreements that were originally responsive to your FOIA request dated May 6, 2024. The settlement agreements have been redacted to exclude signatures pursuant to Section 7(1)(b) of FOIA: “Subject to this requirement, the following shall be exempt from inspection and copying: (b) Private information, unless disclosure is required by another provision of this Act, a State or federal law, or a court order.” (5 ILCS 140/7(1)(b)).”

Those two additional settlement agreements bring the taxpayer-funded 5-year FOIA settlement expense to $258,816.47.

Supplemental Settlemnt agreements


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1 Comment
  • C
    Posted at 08:01h, 10 June

    Seventeen cases, where’s the transparency and why do they have so much to hide? Such behavior is underserving of public trust, it begs one to question with whom do their loyalties truly reside..
