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March 3, 2025

Vulgar, Disgusting Public Display Of Dolton’s Tiffany Henyard, Andrew Holmes, And Police Chief Lacy –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 22, 2024

DOLTON, Ill. (ECWd) –

This is what your tax dollars paid for.

Watch the vulgar, disgusting public display of Dolton’s Mayor Tiffany Henyard, Trustee Andrew Holmes, Police Chief Lacey and several members of the Dolton Police Department.

*Language warning*

Video on Facebook used with permission: HERE.

See it on YouTube: HERE.



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  • Broc
    Posted at 14:48h, 04 June

    What is the definition of a “dolt” anyway? Seems it may fit the people in this occasion…..

  • Greg
    Posted at 19:14h, 26 April

    The voters of Dolton get the government they deserve. Too bad many of these folks pay no taxes as they are on the government dole.

  • Xwpis ONOMA
    Posted at 10:13h, 26 April

    This is what happens because our country decided that xxxxx are equal with White American Europeans who build this country only to graciously give it to these thugs who no matter what they still thing they live in the ghetto. And remember, just because the jewish merchants traded boose (rum) with the african warlords for cheap black labor does not mean the White American Europeans will eternally live in shame. Listen to Malcom X and what he kept saying to you. Black people wake up and see who REALLY is your enemy! Who lies to you, who manipulates you. It is the hypocritical, duplicitous, subverting zionists who orchestrated the african slave trade and destroyed/murdered something like 80,000,000 (that’s million) of your black ancestors. Dolton is a cesspool, and sh*t is black just like these so called “officials” who instead of serving and protecting are injuring and insulting the rest of us law-abiding, tax-paying citizens of Dolton of any color, race, creed and gendrer. Same on you – shame on you – shame on you!

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 11:27h, 23 April

    This appears to explain everything about Dolton’s so-called leadership.

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 09:06h, 23 April

    Things sure are different in Dolton, not that it’s a good thing.

  • Hugh Askew
    Posted at 07:50h, 23 April

    Yes its different there alright but they’re all fixing to get a reality check!

  • Richard
    Posted at 21:10h, 22 April

    Very unprofessional. I am sure there is a code of conduct in law enforcement that frowns on this type of activity while in uniform.

    Posted at 20:49h, 22 April


  • aka: Reginald Tyrone Brown
    Posted at 20:21h, 22 April

    Hmm. Yep, I have a few comments, however, due to a few factors, I won’t say them. HINT: It has to do with entitlement, sub-culture, and stereotypical categorization of folks who have already displayed “questionable” conduct.

  • cynthia
    Posted at 18:44h, 22 April

    You can take the Thug out of the Ghetto, but you cannot take the Getto out of the Thug. Disgusting low lives that give African Americans a terrible reputation. Shameful.
