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March 28, 2025

Misinformation Presented To Court In Wesley Twp FOIA Case –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 2, 2024

Will Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

During the February 29, 2024, hearing in the Brzana v. Wesley Township Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, Welsey Township’s attorney, and even the judge, opined that both Plaintiffs were ordered to appear “in-person” at that hearing.

We obtained a copy of the Court’s Order, sign by the Judge on January 24, 2024, which DID NOT Order either Plaintiff to make an in-person appearance.

It appears no one read the actual signed Order from the Court.

This misinformation was part of attempts to sanction Plaintiffs by Wesley Township, which may be resolved at the hearing scheduled for April 5, 2024.

This FOIA case is a long-running attempt by the township at extracting revenge on township residents who dared to ask for public records and dared to seek justice when their requests for records were denied.

January 24 Order


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  • nmwtlstfdb
    Posted at 07:41h, 05 April

    Mr. Tarleton is correct about township government. It needs to be abolished and the sooner the better! As he states, “If the electorate in Illinois had any sense, we would abolish townships.” So it probably won’t happen.

  • Richard
    Posted at 18:30h, 04 April

    This document makes me wonder, since that attorney is employed in another county as an employee, what is going on. The court date on the document is a normal workday in that county. That counties calendar, on their website, does not denote it being a recognized holiday or date the courthouse was closed. The document, from all appearances, would lead one to surmise that possibly this county employee was doing non-county things on county time. Here we have a county employee representing a client on a private case for their private firm. Again, appearances are everything and with that particular county being so scrutinized of late, one just has to sit back and ponder what is going on. A quick search of the court records indicates a prior appearance representing this client on a normal workday as well. Again, questions and wondering if the taxpayer monies are being spent wisely here? I believe there is a certain level of scrutiny on this position currently and this does not shed a good light on the situation. If they had a scheduled day off that would possibly be possibly a different matter. Although when was the court preparation time used? After hours and on the weekends or during the work day? Again, optics.

  • Jack Tarleton
    Posted at 18:02h, 04 April

    Another township. Nobody should be surprised. Townships are just petty fiefdoms for petty politicians, and by petty, I mean petty. If the electorate in Illinois had any sense, we would abolish townships. Townships comprise 1,428 of the nearly 7,000 units of local government in Illinois. Doing away with them would STILL leave Illinois as the state with the most units of local government. Texas, you know, that really big state, would still be second. There are already 18 counties in Illinois that do not have townships. Fewer governments, fewer crooks.

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 10:48h, 02 April

    Sounds familiar…….it’s more cost effective and good use of public funds to hire attorneys to fight against providing public documents than just being transparent. Then the public body can cry and complain about the exhorbitant amount of legal fees paid from their budgets. Meanwhile the attorneys smile all the way to the bank.

  • Dave
    Posted at 09:26h, 02 April

    Judicial tyranny
