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March 28, 2025

Champaign County Auditor’s Computer Porn; Whistleblower Complaints; Cats –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 4, 2024

Champaign County, Ill. (ECWd) –

Reports we received today indicate the Champaign County Auditor was found to have inappropriate image(s) on his office computer in 2023.

A forensic analysis was completed on George Danos’ computer after a complaint was received, here are the findings:

No findings by County IT were able to confirm anything of a pornographic nature being accessed on or around February 9th. However, compelling documents were found on Danos’ hard drive, which included numerous files which could be construed as pornographic, as well as some images which featured fully naked men.”

The above statement was taken directly from a forensics report which was initiated by the Champaign County State’s Attorney and County Executive after a complaint was received of pornographic images showing on the Auditor’s work computer.

On April 6, 2023, Auditor Danos agreed to remove the offending images within one day:

On April 6th, 2023, County Executive Steve Summers, and Chief of the Civil Division for the State’s Attorney’s Office Matt Banach met with Auditor Danos. It was communicated to him what was found during the investigation, that those materials violated the County Information Technology Resources Policy and Procedures (Ordinance 652), the materials needed to be removed from his work computer, and whistleblower protections were reviewed. Auditor Danos was receptive and agreeable. He stated the materials would be removed that day and he agreed with the importance of the whistleblower protections.”

According to a complaint filed by an employee naming Auditor Danos, an “offensive” photo was on his computer screen. Additionally, according to the complaint were the following allegations:

  • Danos mentioned that his cat still “nurses his nipples” and gesturing to his own chest
  • Danos used his county office and time to hand-write thank you notes and label envelopes for a fund-raising campaign
  • Danos was working late with a coworker and removed his shoes, and his shirt down to his tank top and sat in front of a fan while the coworker was present
  • Attempts by Danos to get reimbursed for travel in excess of what was authorized by the county
  • Other general complaints of incompetence and disregard for his office

A second complaint lists allegations of similar incompetence by Danos.

We reached out via email to Auditor Danos for comment on these issues but have received no response as of publication.


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  • Greg
    Posted at 12:51h, 12 April

    You can lay this at the feet of States Attorney Julia Reitz! If she doesn’t prosecute it it dies!

    Any other County Employee found with porn on their County owned computer would have been walked out the door the same day!

    The Champaign County regime is an overflowing toilet!

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 16:50h, 13 April

      elected officials are not employees

      • Greg
        Posted at 17:55h, 13 April

        I have to disagree. If they draw a paycheck from the County they are.

  • Truth & Justice
    Posted at 10:01h, 06 April

    The WOKE county board members, along with two butt hurt Republicans, are persecuting the Champaign County Auditor because he exposed their tax increase scam.

    • Dave
      Posted at 15:15h, 06 April

      Really, persecution??? what about :

      Danos tax payer issued computer hard drive has pornographic pictures of nude men, how is that for the public good?
      Danos mentioned that his cat still “nurses his nipples” and gesturing to his own chest
      Danos used his county office and time to hand-write thank you notes and label envelopes for a fund-raising campaign
      Danos was working late with a coworker and removed his shoes, and his shirt down to his tank top and sat in front of a fan while the coworker was present
      Attempts by Danos to get reimbursed for travel in excess of what was authorized by the county
      Other general complaints of incompetence and disregard for his office

  • Michael Warnick
    Posted at 13:38h, 05 April

    Whoever Employee “A” and “B” are, they sound like someone who does not respect their boss and has a personality conflict. Essentially….nothing but a whiner and complainer. Maybe they should go find a different job. If the auditor is that bad, he will be dealt with at the election polls.

  • Diana Fairchild
    Posted at 08:46h, 05 April

    Droopy: Master Sergeant

    Well said with your comment and sad that it works out that way.

  • kookieqatar
    Posted at 04:13h, 05 April

    It’s creepy Wayne Williams!

  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 20:09h, 04 April

    No one needs to wonder why Illinois is the way it is. Prosecutors don’t do their jobs and get reelected. Prosecutors who do their job and hold elected officials or employees accountable get voted out. Illinois won’t change until the majority believe laws are for everyone, even friends and family!

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:36h, 04 April

    Champaign County Auditor.???? LOL. You just can’t make this stuff up.

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:34h, 04 April

    Wow, just goes to prove you need to be real careful who you vote for….. certainly unprofessional and perverse behavior by an elected official. Moral turpitude anyone??

  • Scott L
    Posted at 15:35h, 04 April

    This issue was closed by the appropriate parties to the satisfaction of them. Why bring up and in a wild headline …can only think of one thing here. A homophobic effort to discredit a politician while admittedly having legal naked images they were not of the mainstream hetero view. If a male had a naked playboy swimsuit model this would not be publicized. No child or illegal images, just not mainstream. Gaslighting …and seems you got the response you were looking for in John Public’s response.

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 13:39h, 04 April

    This guy is still serving the citizens of Champaign County as the auditor? They just ask him to remove the pictures? It’s no wonder we can’t get our States Attorney to hold public officials accountable in Champaign County.

  • John Q. Public
    Posted at 12:41h, 04 April

    One might get the impression that the auditor may have some very internalized “issues.” Did I read that correctly that he has a “husband”? He has images of naked men on his work computer; he reportedly is hap-hazard in his attendance to meetings and duties within his scope of employment along with other purported shortcomings.
    I wonder what exactly the citizens of Champaign County are getting for their tax dollars?

    • Richard
      Posted at 20:32h, 05 April

      Be extremely careful in your dancing around your second sentence in your comments. That could be construed as bordering on hate speech and homophobic. While one may not agree with someone else’s relationship decision it is not anyone’s place to tell them what decision they should/should not make.

      The focal point here is simply a government employee was found to have evidence of potential misuse of government equipment. Misuse of government equipment should come with a disciplinary action. In this case possibly dismissal if severe enough. Period. The fact that this was the county auditor is extremely troubling. Auditors are to ensure that what entities practice are in compliance with policy/procedure/statute/law. It is apparent that their county IT security administrator, if they have one, is not being judicious in conducting regular scans of county computers. There are other measures that can block non-work related websites and even prevent things from being placed on computers via external media sources. There definitely needs to be tighter reigns on the IT equipment and usage at the county level.

      • Dave
        Posted at 10:47h, 06 April

        The facts are we all have the protected right to judge perverse behaviors as right or wrong. A few years ago, about 150 genetic scientists from around world completed mapping the human genome and didn’t find a homosexual gene. There is no scientific proof perverse lgbt behaviors have a genetic causation. The fact is genes do not force behaviors. The lgbt “born that way” claim is liberal ideology and not objective, evidence-based science. All behavior is a choice, unless a mental disorder or mental illness is involved. No one is hardwired wired to be a homosexual and opposing lgbt behaviors is NOT hating people. There is no evidence based science to prove otherwise. There is only unconstitutional bullying from the deceiving liberal democrats. DEI is an unlawful leftwing fascist way of organizing society with an emphasis on autocratic government, dictatorial leadership, and the suppression of opposition. Allow a violation of our unalienable God granted rights. Homophobic??? There is no such thing as an irrational opposition to homosexuality. My Christian religion tells me that behavior is an abomination.
        The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination, shall forever be guaranteed, and no person shall be denied any civil or political right, privilege or capacity, on account of his religious opinions; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be construed to dispense with oaths or affirmations, excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of the State. No person shall be required to attend or support any ministry or place of worship against his consent, nor shall any preference be given by law to any religious denomination or mode of worship. ~ (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

        All persons may speak, write and publish freely, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In trials for libel, both civil and criminal, the truth, when published with good motives and for justifiable ends, shall be a sufficient defense. ~ (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

        FACT: All monies and property of the government( Public) is to be used for the public good, not public perversion. They don’t have to respect his abuse of power.

        So this assertion is false: Whoever Employee “A” and “B” are, they sound like someone who does not respect their boss and has a personality conflict. Essentially….nothing but a whiner and complainer.

        • Richard
          Posted at 19:42h, 06 April

          Dave: Hmmm, that’s an interesting view. However, it misses the crux of the story by a mile. This is an issue of misuse of government property. The whole baited comment of John Q is out of place and borders on hate speech and homophobic rhetoric. Remember, your civil liberties end where another persons begin.
