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March 28, 2025

Poplar Grove Trustee Owen Costanza Wants Village To Finance Lawsuit Against Critics –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 9, 2024

Poplar Grove, Ill. (ECWd) –

Just when we think we’ve seen it all, Poplar Grove Village Trustee Owen Costanza apparently placed item #12  (read his email) on the next meeting agenda for Poplar Grove, which is to “Motion to discuss possible litigation against “Boone County Illinois Watchdog Group“.”

Here is the Facebook post Costanza is worried about.

It is our opinion this is nothing more than Costanza attempting to use tax dollars to silence the public’s First Amendment rights to be critical of their public officials and governments.

Costanza is the former village president who still publicly passes himself off as the village president, he lost a civil defamation lawsuit after the last election, appealed it, and lost on the appeal (he admitted in court to all of his criminal and unsavory past) – but now, it appears he wants the village to finance a lawsuit against people in a Facebook group who are critical of past actions that occurred under his watch as village president.

We suggest an agenda item for possible referral of Costanza to police for investigation and possible litigation under 720 ILCS 17-2/b(2) (False personation of public official).

Costanza is currently on the ballot as candidate for Republican Precinct Committeeman.


POPLAR GROVE - MEET-Agenda-3-13-2024


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    Posted at 23:56h, 10 March

    And after all of that, he was top vote getter for Village Trustee 4/2023.

  • Don Draper
    Posted at 22:50h, 09 March

    I know a guy in New York City.

    George Costanza. In Queens.

    Seems like surprising number of people have heard of this George Costanza guy.

    Anyone know if this Owen Costanza is any relation to that George Costanza?

    Third cousins twice removed? Brothers from different mothers and fathers? Second cousins three times removed?

    Who knows- maybe not at all?

    Just wondering!

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 15:47h, 09 March

    It seems unusual and a conflict of interest that Township official’s use legal firms who represent the township and road district. Any time I have asked a lawyer for representation, the first thing they investigate is is they have a conflict of interest.

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 15:42h, 09 March

    I always wonder if Mahomet Township taxpayers are funding lawsuits brought by Township official’s personally against Township citizens.
