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October 19, 2024

Tiffany Henyard’s Thornton Township Continues Attacking Media – Demands NDA For Public Event –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 28, 2024

Thornton Township (ECWd) –

Thornton Township and Tiffany Henyard have apparently continued its attack on media and residents – this time by demanding reporters sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) prior to being “permitted” entry into a Black History Event which was open to the public.

On February 24, 2024, a Lansing Journal reporter was denied entry into this public event because she refused to sign an NDA. No member of the general public was required to sign an NDA, but reporters were, as a condition of entry. A Southland Journal reporter was also denied entry to this event.

This comes on the heels of the Thornton Township Board of Trustees Meeting held on February 13, 2024, where the public and media were prevented from attending the meeting by Tiffany Henyard’s “security” detail. They also denied the public their right to speak at the board meeting. Holding secret meetings violates the Open Meetings Act, and this needs to be prosecuted.

Supervisor Henyard has a history of either preventing the public from attending meetings or having them removed from meetings simply because they disagree with her.

Henyard’s antics have been the subject of national media for the past month – we first started writing about her in September of 2021.




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  • james
    Posted at 17:48h, 28 February

    Little people in big jobs

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret)
    Posted at 12:15h, 28 February

    Those people really do think that they’re in charge. I can’t wait to see their faces when the indictments are unsealed.

  • Hugh Janus
    Posted at 11:52h, 28 February

    She has been allowed to keep effing around too long already imo.

    It’s long past time for the legal system and law enforcement to administer some finding out for her and her toadies!

  • Darrel Bruck
    Posted at 10:50h, 28 February

    I sure hope a major lawsuit against her is being filed. She cannot be allowed to get away with what she is doing.

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 10:36h, 28 February

    Alinsky Rule #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”

    Let’s bring it on.

    • Dave
      Posted at 15:27h, 28 February

      Surely you aren’t arguing her action aren’t dictatorial…… are you?

      All persons may speak, write and publish freely, being
      responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In trials for
      libel, both civil and criminal, the truth, when published
      with good motives and for justifiable ends, shall be a
      sufficient defense.
      (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

      Local govt has no authority to force anyone to sign an NDA when entering a public event. To do so is dictatorial

  • Dave
    Posted at 08:51h, 28 February

    Hahahahaha! Some third world banana republic is missing their dictator
