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March 28, 2025

Chris Boehm Filed Fatally Deficient Petition Objection Against Circuit Clerk Candidate –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 13, 2023

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

With election petition submission and petition objection season upon us, the last date to file a petition objection has expired.

Election petitions must comply with statutory requirements to avoid being subjected to petition objections seeking to keep a candidate’s name off the upcoming ballot.

“A candidate’s nomination papers are deemed valid absent an objection that is in conformity with the requirements of the Election Code. See Druck v. Illinois State Board of Elections, 387 Ill. App. 3d 144 (2008).”

Petition objections must comply with statutory requirements to avoid being thrown out or determined to be insufficient in the objection process. A past petition objection hearing in Shelbyville Township resulted in several articles that lay out the entire process and the legal standards that are applied.  Those are all linked in this article.

Now comes Chris Boehm. Chris Boehm filed a petition objection against Peter Otis, who filed his petitions as a Candidate for Shelby County Circuit Clerk.

Boehm’s objection  should fail on their face for not complying with the Illinois Election Code governing petition objections – some of the obvious and elementary deficiencies – considered “fatal flaws” in the objection are:

  • Update: Objector’s name and address does not appear anywhere on or in the Objection (the receipt for the objection does not count)
  • Objector failed to state his interest in the election.
  • Objector failed to state his standing as a registered voter in the precinct, political subdivision, or district.
  • Objector failed to state the full nature of the objection.
  • Objector failed to ask for any relief whatsoever.

Objections failing to meet statutory requirements shall fail – and those petitions objected to shall stand as valid petitions.

Otis objection



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  • Kathiann
    Posted at 20:45h, 17 December

    Sloppy petition filings? Probably a sign of sloppiness should one get into office. Details matter.

  • Kieth Morehead
    Posted at 06:01h, 14 December

    It is apparent that your organization has a certain unhealthy fascination with this individual and their family based on the many articles on your site Your continued slights at them are petty and childish at best. Is this actually reporting or a vindictive campaign? Your comment lends one to believe you may be jealous of this individual’s education, and not so focused on the actual news. Those who point out the rot in others are often disguising from others their own inner rot and filth.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:46h, 14 December

      Your fascination with continuing to comment, under different fake names (which have the same IP address), shows cowardice.

  • Susan Thorne
    Posted at 21:14h, 13 December

    Your organization has really outlived its usefulness. When your organization stopped quality investigative journalism on issues and turned towards being merely another version of the National Enquirer I lost complete interest.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 23:11h, 13 December

      Petition objections are newsworthy, especially with one written so poorly as this one, by a person claiming to have a PhD, and claiming someone else didn’t file their petitions properly.
