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March 29, 2025

They’ve known for decades cash renting county farm was illegal –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 12, 2023

Shelby Co., Ill. (ECWd) –

During the Shelby County Farm Committee meeting last night (complete video here), one of the former farmers of the county farm informed the public (video below) that even back when he farmed the property the county board knew it was illegal to cash rent the county farm, so they stopped cash renting it.

It would be interesting to figure out when cash rent was started again, and which board members approved of it.

Other public comments included calling farm committee members “you f*ckers” and “damn dumbasses” and even references to “extreme far right MAGA extremist anarchists.”

Most public commenters expressed their opinions that the county should not sell the farm. One commenter brought up the idea of forming a county park district to manage the county farm and other properties and use it to teach young people how to grow and farm food for local consumption.

A motion to table the resolution to sell the county farm was made and received a unanimous vote of the farm committee.


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  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 16:42h, 14 September

    Pitiful how many folks are ok with illegal in Shelby county. Or is it Shelbyville?!?! A few gain and many are out of luck!

  • Paul Kane
    Posted at 11:26h, 12 September

    Of the public comments that were prepared, read, and included thoughts about creating a park district, another commenter said the ideas were fresh. I agree.

    With exception to the use of vulgarities and vulgar like language, angry finger pointing, and a failure of the chair to gavel her husband? as he attempted to call out another member of the public by name, I thought the meeting was really good.

    I also think an opportunity to forge a better understanding for the public body was missed by the chair in not allowing or encouraging a discussion on her motion to table the resolution. That inaction seemed petty to the committee members who noticed the meeting in the first place, and to the public body…my own curiosity/interest included via ECWd’s livestream. That certain lack for any discussion is also away from the public body gaining committee member feedback additional to the membership vote on the motion to table.

    Such feedback may have included committee members acknowledging the resounding view expressed in public body comment, providing the rationale for noticing the meeting in the first place, and to thank the public for showing up…which near as I can tell the chair did not do…thank the public for showing up so generously or at all, that is.

  • Dave
    Posted at 09:51h, 12 September

    “extreme far right MAGA extremist anarchists.” So that’s what those who are trying to obey the law are now…. LOL Some people have lost their minds.

    Some people are ideologically driven and have no love for the law. They are unconcerned with whether their desires are unlawful. Their basis for what is lawful is how strongly they ‘feel’ about it. Many can’t seem to follow logic……
