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March 29, 2025

Tower Hill Alleged Child Rapist Update

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 31, 2023

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

In our first article on the alleged child rapist, I closed it out with one statement.

“The only information we have at this point is the case was administratively closed yet no one even questioned the alleged perpetrator of the crime at that time.”

We now have some more definitive answers and they are troubling.

The alleged criminal acts took place clear back in 2016 according to the information filed in the case.

The case was administratively closed by former Under Sheriff David Pruitt in July of 2022. We asked Shelby County Sheriff Brian McReynolds if he was aware of the case and its closure in July of 2022.

“I had no involvement in that case and was not part of the decision on it.” -Brian McReynolds

Note he did not answer the question pertaining to awareness of the case and its closure.  He simply stated he was not involved or part of the decision on it.  That does not tell us if he was aware of the case.  If he had no knowledge of a case like this it points to serious internal control issues as one would think the Sheriff would be kept informed on all criminal matters, including an alleged rape of a 10-year-old girl.

McReynolds also indicated there does not appear to be any record of the defendant being questioned after the initial complaint nor is there any knowledge or documentation that the matter was ever sent over to the State’s Attorney at the time.

We asked McReynolds if the defendant confessed to the crimes.  We asked because logic would indicate yes since he was arrested for an alleged crime that on the surface would be a he said-she said case since it happened in 2016 when the girl was 10 years old and no real investigation took place by law enforcement. Did he confess?

“We assume he did since he’s in custody.  However, we can not say for sure since ISP conducted the interview and we do not know the results of it.”

We asked if there was going to be an internal investigation to determine why the case was closed and this child was not protected from what appears to be a rapist.

“Undersheriff Pruitt left the Dept., I can only conclude it was due to DCFS/CAC closing the case. This is a valid concern as Crimes Against children should be one of our highest priorities.”

My response to his statement: “So since Pruitt left the department there is not going to be any investigation as to how this happened?”

“No that is not what I meant.  We have already started looking into this and are wanting to learn from this for future cases. Thank You, Sheriff Brian McReynolds”

While I agree they should want to learn from this for future cases, the question we believe that must be answered is how can one person administratively close an alleged rape case without the knowledge of his boss and do so without ever questioning the alleged rapist?   Will he ever face any accountability to his actions on this matter?

We have been told this investigation is ongoing so we do not know who took the original complaint years ago and never investigated it as one would expect.

David Pruitt left Shelby County in March of this year and now works for the city of Decatur at the Police Department but not in a law enforcement position.

Clinton Miller Alleged Rape




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  • D. Sleezer
    Posted at 13:24h, 03 September

    Too many government entities take the “resignation” / “retirement” of a perpetrator as the reason to end an investigation. Therefore no “accountability”..
    Moreover government pension organizations need to be more stringent in removing pension benefits from convicted felons. Pension forfeiture would be a very strong deterrent for government corruption!!

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 10:11h, 01 September

    Sounds like a quiet resignation for something they are not saying what, and don’t work in law enforcement again order.

  • Justice Seeker
    Posted at 19:00h, 31 August

    If our law enforcement will not stand up and protect who will? They are called “Law Enforcement” and get a little agitated when questioned. Perhaps we should start calling them “Selective Law Enforcement”. Sickening! Par for the course in Shelby county.

  • SC
    Posted at 11:45h, 31 August

    When was this first reported? In 2016 or in 2022?

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 10:01h, 01 September

      It is our understanding it was reported when the girl was 13 years old, which would have been around 2019. Since this is still under investigation we are unable to get ANY records to confirm when the first report was filed.
