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March 28, 2025

Shelby County – Gregory Reynolds – The Untold Rest Of The Story

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 17, 2023

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

When local community social media sites pop up with anonymous owners who block residents of the community that offer up a differing position it should be a red flag to most people.  Such sites typically have an agenda to control a narrative they want to be pushed and often contain few actual facts.  When those are presented in comments they get deleted or blocked from further posting.

A recent example was exposed in articles here, here, and here.

Within this anonymous poster’s comments was a statement:

We want to emphasize: 6 felony charges involving methamphetamine dismissed by the State’s Attorney’s office in Mr. Williams’s case alone. Mr. Hanlon also dismissed charges against Gregory Reynolds, possession of methamphetamine 5>15 grams, a Class 2 felony (case # 2022-CF-173). Both of these men are walking free in our county, all charges have been dismissed (they are not the only ones, either). Mr. Hanlon also dismissed charges against Gregory Reynolds, possession of methamphetamine 5>15 grams, a Class 2 felony (case # 2022-CF-173). Both of these men are walking free in our county, all charges have been dismissed (they are not the only ones, either).”

While we covered most of the missing facts in the Williams case in the articles linked above, there is one statement made by this poster which should be addressed.

“There is no language here indicating that they are constitutionally bound NOT to prosecute, but that, presumably, they deliberated about whether or not to prosecute and decided against it.”

As we pointed out in this article, the poster missed the state law on the matter that outlines such a prosecution is barred. Had they included that, it would have pretty much destroyed their narrative and explained to the world why the case was dismissed. We do not know why it was left out.  Since we are blocked, we can’t even ask the question.

In regard to the Gregory Reynolds case, had the anonymous poster picked up the phone and spoken with the State’s Attorney’s office which dismissed the case, they would have learned some very important facts. Facts that would have destroyed the narrative being pushed, a State’s Attorney dismissing methamphetamine cases is bad. In the Reynolds case, the case was dismissed because he was not guilty of the crime alleged and there was no need to go to court with the case.  Turns out the actual guilty party confessed to the crime and has already been sent to the Department of Corrections.  Rather than find out the reason the case was dismissed, they pushed a false narrative indicating the SA’s office was not being tough on crime as it relates to methamphetamine.  That narrative was bolstered with the claim “they are not the only ones, either”.

We welcome the anonymous poster to disclose who these others are that are walking free from a methamphetamine charge and to include the actual facts to support they should not be walking free.  While Gregory Reynolds clearly has a checkered past and lengthy docket sheet, he was not guilty of the crime alleged and justice was served by dismissing the case which should be a good thing, not twisted to support a false narrative as was done with the anonymous posting.

Rather than post questions that lead people to think a certain way it seems logical to get the other side before building a narrative you think is accurate. When the truth is shared and the person fails to follow up to verify the information and instead shifts to another topic to continue their rants about people and issues, it becomes clear they do have an agenda and it’s not about truth. An example of this is found in events after the last county board meeting.  I was asked to explain what was not true about a person’s online comments.  I appreciated being asked.  I provided the requested information and told him the source from which it can be verified, which is public records.  The person became angered, ignored my response, did not follow up to obtain the records, and shifted to a new narrative of false information in his online postings today, all while failing to correct the false information he is sharing on the very topic we discussed.  Those types of people are not helping their cause as the truth is what sets people free, not lies, misinformation, and agenda-driven drama posts.

If we don’t get back to personal interaction in our society to resolve our concerns, we are done as a society.


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  • Golden Country
    Posted at 21:13h, 18 April

    Such sites typically have an agenda to control a narrative they want to be pushed and often contain few actual facts. When those are presented in comments they get deleted or blocked from further posting.

    LOL that is 99% of the websites today especially those that pose as news reporters.

  • Droopy: Master Sergeant
    Posted at 16:38h, 17 April

    The son and husband of sitting board members are doing their best to convince the public their lies are truth. They don’t like the fact the majority of board members want what is legal and in the best interest of the majority of taxpayers in the county. These 2 misguided bloggers also do NOT want the public to know the truth about what has gone on in Shelby county.
    Kudos to taxpayers who elected board members who have integrity and don’t waste their time engaging the stupidity. Kudos to the new state’s attorney who is doing the full statutory responsibilities of the job. Shelby County will see the reward of standing firm soon.

  • Dave
    Posted at 13:24h, 17 April

    People need to stop seeing an opposing opinion as hate.
