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March 28, 2025

Legislative Staffers Should Be Terminated, Prosecuted –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 27, 2023

Springfield, Ill. (ECWd) –

This past week, the Illinois House of Representatives were busy passing legislation in the dark of night again, but this time some legislators noticed votes being cast by staffers without the member being present.

A call was made to verify the vote on a bill. After the removal of four affirmative votes because the members were not present, the bill failed to obtain a majority and verification was halted – it would have been recorded as “Passed” had the verification not been taken. See the video in this article by The Center Square. Those affirmative votes removed were cast for Kam Buckner, Fred Crespo, Anthony DeLuca, and Anne Stava-Murray.

Nothing in the House Rules (or this set of Rules) permits staffers to vote in place of Legislators who are absent, and rightfully so, as the staff was never elected as representatives and therefore cannot tender votes.

We suggest, at a minimum, that all staffers who voted in place of, or for, the absent representative be terminated and/or prosecuted for falsifying votes or fraudulently voting during an official proceeding of the House of Representatives. Additionally, any Representative who purported to authorize any fraudulent voting should also be disciplined to the fullest extent available.

It would not be a big leap to determine those staffers “forged” the voting record as that term is described in Section 17-3 of the Criminal Code by intentionally defrauding other legislators and the entire state by making a false vote capable of defrauding those who voted against the bill and delivered that false vote electronically knowing it was false.

It would also not be a big leap to determine those staffers participated in “Official Misconduct” as that term is defined in Section 33-3 of the Criminal Code by, in their official capacity as employees of the state, knowingly tendering a vote for a representative who is not present, which is an act in excess of their lawful authority, or they know it is an act they are forbidden to perform.

This activity cannot be allowed to stand.


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  • Cindy
    Posted at 12:07h, 04 April

    Bring back public pillories!

  • Suzanne Delaney
    Posted at 15:55h, 27 March

    Those who participated in voting for absent legislators should be terminated immediately!! We the People should NOT let their FRAUD go on anymore!! Speak LOUD AND PROUD to protect the vote of the American People!!
    We MUST be the squeaky wheel!!
    Terminate them immediately!!!

  • Dave
    Posted at 14:14h, 27 March

    I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for justice from Illinois AG Raoul

  • Dave
    Posted at 14:12h, 27 March

    Democrats think they are elitists and are above the law. Springfield organized crime. Democrats don’t respect the rules or the Illinois state constitution. They are without value

  • Brian K Anderson
    Posted at 13:09h, 27 March

    Let’s give Mr. Smythe his due respect, at least he didn’t file lawsuits against citizens filing FOIA requests, unlike Mahomet Township.

  • Former Illinoisan
    Posted at 12:30h, 27 March

    Oh, come on… Illinoisans expect a little corruption with their politicians, don’t they?! (sarcasm)
