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March 28, 2025

Will Governor Pritzker Honor His Word On Wind/Solar Farms ?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 7, 2023

Illinois (ECWd) –

We covered the legislative bait and switch going on regarding wind and solar matters in this article just yesterday.  Specifically, this new legislation, if approved by the house and signed by the Governor would strip local control from county governments when it comes to zoning matters on wind and solar energy.

The Governor was asked a very specific question in August of 2022 during an interview that was published on WRAM, at the 31:02 mark of the audio.

“As governor, would you support legislation to create statewide controls over the siting of wind or solar projects?”

Pritzker: No, in fact I’ve specifically avoided that. We’ve got to have a continuous conversation, the one that we’ve been having for years now between the state and local governments and local control so that we decide together about siting.”

With Pritzker on the record that he would not support legislation to create statewide controls over siting of wind or solar, it will be worth watching HB4412 which proposes doing exactly what Pritzker claimed he has specifically avoided. Will he be a man of his word or will he do as past Governors have done and do the opposite of what they have said they would do?

Anyone who reads the proposed legislation can clearly see there is nothing in that bill that implies the state and local governments are deciding together. Quite the contrary.  It strips the counties’ powers and mandates they must comply with what the state designates for setbacks.


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  • Greg G
    Posted at 18:33h, 30 January

    Governor Fat Ass caves to the Wind lobby! You who voted for him must be real proud of yourselves!

  • Peggy Voelker
    Posted at 08:56h, 27 January

    Sorry but the language was re -written to say “maximum set-backs” The wool was pulled over many eyes wit this tactic, including our IDNR folks.

  • Ashley Switzer
    Posted at 15:38h, 08 January

    How does one go about scheduling a workshop with you all?

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 13:44h, 10 January

      Feel free to email us to discuss the matter.

  • jannie
    Posted at 09:00h, 08 January

    Hope Gov. P. honors his word. Also, hope that the leg. beats this down – we need local control!

  • Jeff Savoie
    Posted at 04:38h, 08 January

    How does it rea

    If it creates a minimum setback that the counties can’t go under, I’m ok with it

    • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
      Posted at 09:11h, 08 January

      You should see what those set backs are. You could end up with a 600 foot tower 1260 feet from your property. That is NUTS

    • Charles Echo
      Posted at 10:20h, 08 January

      The required setbacks, as designated by the state, are less than the suggested distances set by the manufacturers in emergency situations. “The People” are better represented by “local control”. One size does not fit all, no matter how you slice it.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 11:07h, 08 January

      Jeff, It creates a maximum setback that the counties can’t go over. They did the same with townships within the past couple of years…

  • Robert Murphy
    Posted at 00:59h, 08 January

    He probably never thought of it until they asked him about it and then he couldn’t get it out of his head.

    They are all liars …
