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March 3, 2025

Owen Costanza Facing Electoral Board Hearing On Petition Objection –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 2, 2023

Poplar Grove, IL. (ECWd) –

Owen Costanza, former Poplar Grove Village President who still passes himself off as Village President on Facebook, filed two sets of election petitions for Trustee of Poplar Grove, IL.

He withdrew the “2-year unexpired” set of petitions and left his “4-year unexpired, or full term” petition set in place.

A local attorney assisted in filing petition objections to Costanza’s remaining petitions citing the following problems:

  • Petition Sheet confusing: some have “4-year unexpired” and some have “4-year” marked on their face
  • There is no position of 4-year unexpired
  • This leads to the likelihood of confusion for voters
  • Did not submit the required receipt for his Statement of Economic Interest with this set of petitions
  • Not enough signatures if “4-year unexpired” sheets are disqualified

Costanza recently admitted in court that all of the publications concerning his criminal past, insurance license revocations, fines, lies – everything he complained of in his lawsuit against a reporter and residents was in fact true.

Costanza, while Village President, even used the Village’s official Facebook page for electioneering. – which is prohibited.


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  • WeNeedCommonSense
    Posted at 10:48h, 03 January

    This knucklehead must be delusional. Oh boy. I’m going to run for office with my fraud background. Hey numb nut what are you thinking? Da! Oh I think I’ll sue them! Uh da! Why not just call the paper yourself and say hey look at me I commit crimes and fraud. Maybe I’ll just run again. How stupid can you be?!?!?

  • Dave
    Posted at 12:16h, 02 January

    This guy needs removed from office yesterday….. for some the end always justifies the means. Nothing is unethical as long as it achieves their goal, moral turpitude doesn’t exist for some people..

  • Todd Milliron
    Posted at 10:33h, 02 January

    No Statement of Economic Interest on file with the County Clerk of the county where this Candidate is Running for Office is a fatal Error.
