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March 28, 2025

Gun Law – Emergency Temporary Restraining Order Filing and AG Response For Governor and Attorney General

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 19, 2023

Illinois (ECWd) –

Tom DeVore filed and argued on behalf of 866 plaintiffs for an Emergency Temporary Restraining Order regarding the new gun ban law signed by Governor Pritzker. The hearing on the matter was held in Effingham on January 18, 2023, at 11 AM.  The courtroom was filled beyond normal capacity and more chairs were brought in which still left numerous people standing and others standing outside the courtroom.

Two attorney’s appeared in court representing Governor Pritzker and Attorney General Kwami Raoul, however, there was no appearance by any attorney for the Speaker of the House and the Senate Leader.  They filed their response to the ETRO which can be downloaded at this link.

After approximately 1 1/2 hours of oral presentations by the attorneys, the Judge has taken the matter under advisement and will issue his ruling no later than Friday.

Additional filings by Devore in relation to the gun bill can be downloaded below.

Full Disclosure: Kirk Allen is a named Plaintiff in this case.



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    Posted at 21:14h, 19 January

    Thanks for stepping up, Kirk.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 14:42h, 19 January

    The judicial system is just as corrupt as these morons that keep flouting the laws. God bless Mr. DeVore for his belief that he can keep the wolves at bay by using that system.

  • Dave
    Posted at 13:53h, 19 January

    The unconstitutional persecution of law-abiding gun owners continues from the communist nationalist democrats. The gun grabbing communist nationalist democrats in the Illinois general assembly are more lawbreakers than lawmakers. They want to persecute gun owners by stealing money, unlawful over-regulating and making so many gun laws that a gun owner is in danger of being arrested any time he touches a gun. Its the same of persecution Christians experienced and which drove them to come to America. Today’s Illinois state legislature’s democrats abuses on guns and our right to self-defense reminds me of the actions of the Jim Crow democrats, Lincoln had freed the slaves but the Jim Crow southern democrats refused to grant them citizenship and basic human, natural ,God given rights. That’s why we have the 14th amendment. The Illinois legislature’s Jim Crow democrats refuse to acknowledge our constitutionally protected unalienable right of self-defense and defense of the state. Jim Crow lives on in Illinois

  • Dave
    Posted at 13:36h, 19 January

    The speaker and senate president can’t claim because its already an enacted law they can’t have a TRO because It is an ancient Principle of Law that a “law” which is contrary to the Constitutions is “no law at all”. it is void ab initio (void from the beginning) and binds no one. The Lawless democrats in the Illinois state legislature subvert the US Constitution and the Illinois Bill of Rights and in the process, rule of law. 1. The Bill of Rights doesn’t give Americans any rights – it protects the rights they were born with. Instead of seeing it as a permission slip for the people, think of it as a restraining order for the government. It’s not the democrats Illinois & US Constitutions to play around with, they should interpret the Constitutions as it was enacted with the original meaning & intent, not as they feel it should have been enacted. When a state government arrogantly refuses to follow or enact laws in compliance with the U.S. and Illinois state constitutions their action is lawless; it’s not restrained or controlled by law, not regulated by or based on law.
