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March 28, 2025

Veterans Assistance Commission Ignores State Law; Unlawful Donations –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 28, 2022

Madison Co., IL. (ECWd) –

The Veterans Assistance Commission of Madison County (“VACMC”) has, in the past year attempted to make excuses as to why they think they can donate money to other organizations.

The Military Veterans Assistance Act (“MVAA”) was established by the legislature to provide financial and other support for needy veterans and their families, who qualify for the support.

Section 2 of the MVAA describes who is covered under the Act: “For the just, necessary, and needed assistance and services of military veterans, who served in the Armed Forces of the United States and whose last discharge from the service was honorable or general under honorable conditions to be eligible for assistance, their families, and the families of deceased veterans with service as described in this Section who need assistance and services…

Within the past year or two, the VACMC has donated $25,000 to Veteran Service Organizations (“VSO”) such as an American Legion to replace windows in the legion hall, and to another VSO to paint an airplane. Donated to a Park District to install a memorial. Donated $15,000 to the Regional Office of Education to provide for mural painting and coding classes, $7,000 to “underserved” school districts. None of these donations are “just, necessary, and needed assistance and services of military veterans, who served in the Armed Forces of the United State”. 

Illinois is a Dillon’s Rule state, and as such, local governments not under home rule must not do anything unless those powers were granted by the constitution or by the legislature. Absent any express authorization, the action cannot be done. Since the MVAA does not authorize assistance to veterans’ organizations or to other local governments, none of those donations are authorized under state law. In other words: “No matter how much it is wanted or needed, if statutory authority was not granted, it cannot be done” and “If there is a question of whether a local government can perform a function, the local government does not receive the benefit of doubt (it goes against the government).”

We searched high and low to find any language in the MVAA authorizing such donations and could not find such language. The lack of such authorization acts as a prohibition.

We suggest the VACMC promptly notify the receiving organizations and ask for a return of the funds to the Commission.


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  • SImonSays
    Posted at 11:32h, 29 December

    The better question is how many people have been hired in County government that are not qualified for the job they were hired to perform? One example is
    Patrick McRae. Check out the job requirements and you will see that he is not qualified to be Deputy Treasurer. Get rid of the nepotism; hire only the most qualified
    Individuals as appointees to high office. The Chairman of the County Board has his powers stripped purely political reasons; yet clearly unqualified people such as
    Patrick McRae.are given free passes. And all along many of us thought Republicans played it straight. Wrong.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 15:28h, 28 December

    Thes pukes that don’t know how to read or research what their “job” descriptions are set at don’t belong in these positions. I think it ought to be their responsibility to personally reimburse the real veterans for what they have done by stealing all those funds.

  • Dave
    Posted at 12:35h, 28 December

    Madison county has long had a reputation of being corrupt
