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March 28, 2025

Shiloh School Student Created “Hit List” of Fellow Students –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 20, 2022

HUME, IL. (ECWd) –

Letter issued to parents:

21751 N 575th Street Hume, Illinois 61932-7013
Phone: 217-531-1850 Fax: 217.531.1851

Dear Parents and Guardians,

At Shiloh CUSD #1, we work diligently to keep students safe and maintain open lines of communication with our families. It’s extremely important for us to make sure you have the facts directly from us.

The district implemented our Threat Assessment Plan when we became aware a student had created a list with names of students he wanted to harm because he felt they were being unkind to him. Our counselor and administration interviewed the student and determined the student did not possess any weapons and never intended to carry out the threat. The Sheriff’s office was notified per our safety plan.

While I understand situations like this can be unsettling, I assure you Shiloh CUSD #1 takes this matter seriously. We are confident it is safe for students to attend school and that nobody is in danger. The safety and security of our students is our top priority, and we will always do everything we can to ensure every child feels safe in our buildings.

Out of an abundance of caution, the district will continue to monitor this situation closely. We have plans and procedures in place for situations like this and continue to follow them.

I also want to take this opportunity to talk about the bigger picture and how situations like this reinforce the dangers of spreading misinformation on social media as well as the importance of practicing kindness. There were falsehoods shared about this incident on social media that are damaging to the people involved. Please talk to your child and model appropriate behavior concerning social media use and how our words, even online, can be hurtful to others.

In addition, I think this situation highlights that kindness matters. We never want any student to feel bullied and turn to an extreme measure like this. We want everyone, students and adults, in our buildings to always treat others with respect.

To close, we have wonderful students, caring staff and supportive families in our communities. Let’s all work together and continue to build upon our successes. Thank you for your patience and support.

Bill Myers, Superintendent

Our purpose is to be the very best version of ourselves, every day.

B Myers letter 10-20-22


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  • Alicia Luth
    Posted at 14:15h, 21 October

    I have a high schooler attending that school. Please advise parents as to what will happen with this student now? He should be expelled and let to go somewhere where he can get into the right mindset before ever being aloud back into public school.

  • Jack Tarleotn
    Posted at 13:51h, 21 October

    Based on the type of paper it appears to be written on, and the handwriting, this appears to be a really young kid. Probably needs to be referred for counseling. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a kid who is being picked on at school. Based on what has been reported, The most helpful thing the administration could do right now is to not make any bigger deal out of it than they have, and get the kid’s parents and guidance counselor involved to make sure the kid’s emotional problems are being addressed by professionsals.

  • Kahiann
    Posted at 09:34h, 21 October

    “Our counselor and administration interviewed the student and determined the student did not possess any weapons and never intended to carry out the threat. The Sheriff’s office was notified per our safety plan..”

    My only issue with this is the fact that the student was thinking about it so much that he made a list….but I sincerely hope things turn out well.
