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March 28, 2025

Illegal Voter Insists Others Be Legal Voters While Casting Her Own Vote –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 15, 2022

WILL CO., IL. (ECWd) –

Denise Williams, Veterans Assistance Commission Board Secretary, insists she has the right to vote during commission meetings. She has no right to vote and any bylaws purporting to grant her the right to vote are invalid and violative of Section 9 of the Military Veterans Assistance Act.

“. . . the Veterans Assistance Commission of such county, composed of delegates and alternates from a majority of such posts, camps, units, and chapters or ship selected annually as determined by each post”

Nowhere does the law state: “composed of delegates and alternates and appointed secretaries who are not delegates or alternates” and it does not say “and past presidents who are not delegates and alternates” – NO. The law clearly spells out the Commission is composed of Delegates and Alternates (and no one else).

Bylaws cannot grant voting rights to non-delegates or non-alternates. It cannot happen.

Add to that, Williams stated that all votes cast would be checked to ensure the voter was properly appointed as a delegate or alternate to the Commission, and immediately after she cast her own illegal vote and never bothered to check to see if she was a delegate or alternate, which she knows she is not.

Simply amazing how someone not eligible to vote can insist others be checked for eligibility and turn around and cast their own ineligible vote. More amazing was some Veterans actually advocating to count her ineligible votes even though she lacked any voting qualifications.

The vote for officers of the VAC ended up in a tie – we suggest they call a proper meeting, accept nominations again, and vote again with only those eligible to vote being permitted to cast a vote.


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  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 15:19h, 16 October

    What is also amazing, is the number of delegates that sat in silence listening to this malarkey. Already in place; was the discussion regarding improper notification of the meeting. A clear violation of the By Laws. ON that matter alone, all the delegates needed to do was make a motion to adjourn and vote to close the meeting. Something Amanda should have done the minute the issue was raised, had she had any common sense

    Only because Denise and Amanda insisted on performing their clown act, did the show go on. I guess everyone loves a circus,. This meeting needs scrapped with the replacement providing the proper notification and with one, that only allows delegates to vote.

  • Dutch DeGroot
    Posted at 13:44h, 16 October

    It certainly is illegal and agree the process needs to n be e revisited

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:09h, 15 October

    You just can’t make this stuff up!
