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March 28, 2025

Shelby County Farm Bid Package

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 10, 2022

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

The Shelby County Board approved the custom farming contract and steps to be taken to receive sealed bids and award the contract for next year’s wheat and bean crop.

For those interested in bidding on the custom farming of the Shelby County farm ground, please download all the files below for your review and submission as outlined in the documents.

Invitation to Bid

Farm Bid Package

Farm Input Invitation to Bid

The approval to put this out for bid is the first time in over 30 years the board has put it out for bid.

However, during the meeting, it appeared there was an attempt to continue circumventing the board’s authority by allowing the committee to select the winning bidder rather than the board, which is required by law.  Two resolutions were presented for approval, one for the board to approve and one for the committee to approve.  Fortunately, the board did approve the correct resolution that requires the board to determine who is the lowest responsible bidder.  It was suggested in the past to have some type of scoring sheet to assist in determining what constitutes a “responsible” bidder however nothing has been publicly shared that would indicate that step has been taken or will be followed.

While Jeff Slifer placed the farm matters on the agenda, he stated after reading social media that day and with all the farm committee has gone through for the last year and a half that the Chairman should present the items because if he did he would go to jail.  The video below begins with the farm-related agenda items and you can hear Slifer’s comments in the beginning.

The deadline for submitting bids is September 20, 2022, at 9 AM.  Award of bids will take place at a Special County Board meeting which has not been set yet.

Shelby County Board Meeting Video – qued at the point of the farm contract discussion and approvals.


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1 Comment
  • Justice Seeker
    Posted at 08:38h, 10 September

    Slifer is upset he won’t have control to keep the farm all in the “family”.
    The hours of discussion and planning with the chosen one may not work out as planned if the entire board has a say. Then again the “non-family” board members will not receive information in advance so they can make an educated decision.
    Organized crime “family” in full operation with the kingpin sitting in the corner office.
