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March 29, 2025

Edgar County Jail; Another Sex Tape / Rap Song of Strip Search Posted To Social Media Early This Year –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 29, 2022

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) –

More offensive sexual related videos have apparently surfaced coming out of the Edgar County Jail.

This time an Edgar County Sheriff’s Corrections Officer (CO), apparently videoed a prisoner being strip-searched, while the CO was singing a rap song about strip searches, and then the CO posted it to social media.

We understand a corrections officer was placed on administrative leave in March of 2022 for the strip search video, which is the same corrections officer we posted about yesterday with the prisoner’s lewd acts on the toilet video being posted to TikTok.

A video was posted on social media made by [a corrections officer], which showed a strip search and the CO singing a rap song about strip search. It was reported to the Sheriff’s Office and the video was evidently taken down, very soon thereafter. The CO was placed on administrative leave about March 21, 2022, or so, based on this and other things.”

Yes, we left the names out of these articles as we are waiting on responses to our Freedom of Information Act requests on three separate corrections officers and may need to request records on a fourth one.

Once we receive the proper public records, we will publish all of them as we always have.


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  • Cecil Brown
    Posted at 06:59h, 01 October

    we all know paris and edgar county are corrupted in more ways then one

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 07:53h, 30 September

    Welcome to Edgar County Law Enforcement, our Sheriff’s Department and Sheriff Wood.. This is his mess and another gift to the local taxpayers. .Beyond that, are the lost case file records that incriminate good friends: that disappear.
    .After a FO:IA request to the ISP for records sent to the Edgar County Sheriff’s Office and a FOIA request to the Edgar County Sheriff’s Office for all records received from outside agencies regarding the FIREBOMBING investigation at our local airport, there was a 100+ page discrepancy. Our good sheriff couldn’t fine the file and only produced a part of the records sent by the ISP. So, part of the file was edited. I’m talking about events during Sheriff Jeff Wood’s leadership. His RESPONSIBILITY.
    Add to this, Derik Weston, the retired ISP Officer, now working at the Edgar County Jail for Sheriff Jeff Wood, the very person who investigated the firebombing and wrote the 200+ page report who continues to remain silent. He was raised in Paris. He knows this is wrong.
    Why would anyone trust our local law enforcement after all of this?

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret.)
    Posted at 17:53h, 29 September

    As a retired police officer – if the evidence against this C/O is substantiated – he/she should have their ass handed to them BOTH in criminal court AND in civil court. In fact, go federal with the charges. This crap really pisses me off. What kind of POS trash does this and thinks he/she can get by with it and has no moral compass or even common sense that would deter such conduct? Ring ’em up!
