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March 29, 2025

Commissioner Wayne Horne’s False Narrative; re: State’s Attorney and Commissioner Credentials –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 15, 2022

Veterans Assistance Commission of Will County, IL. (ECWd) –

One of the topics of heated debate within the Veterans Assistance Commission (“VAC”) of Will County are the qualifications of the persons occupying seats on the executive committee to even occupy those seats.

We have written extensively on the subject and the statutory requirements to serve on the Commission, and by extension, on the Executive Committee of the Commission.

Wanye Horne, in his infinite wisdom, decided to write about all of the “misinformation” being published about the VAC, which included this statement:

“The VAC is governed by a volunteer board of delegates who are appointed by member veteran organizations such as the American Legion, VFW and other Federally chartered veteran organizations. According to legal counsel, including the Will County States Attorney, all current VAC board members have the proper credentials to conduct the agency’s business. . . “

That is a false or misleading statement.

We submitted a FOIA request to the VAC asking for the following:

Copy of all communications from legal counsel, including Will County State’s Attorney which would or could verify this statement by alleged executive board member Wayne Horne: “According to legal counsel, including the Will County State’s Attorney, all current VAC board members have the proper credentials to conduct the agency’s business.” He made this statement in writing at this website address:­veterans-assistance-commission-operates-with-the-highest-integrity-service-to-veterans/

The State’s Attorneys Office responded to the VAC on the matter and stated: “I can find no communications with Wayne or anyone else connected with the VAC that would or could verify Wayne’s statement about proper credentials of the Board.”

It wasn’t but a couple of months ago that the Will County State’s Attorney’s office sent a letter to the VAC declining to further represent the VAC as he had been in the past due to the fact that “It has become abundantly clear that the VAC needs significantly more legal assistance than was represented in either of our discussions . . . Since that time, a variety of questions regarding the Executive Board, membership on both the Commission and the Executive Board, issues with by-laws and the general conduct of business have arisen . . .

His letter at that time expressed concern about the membership credentials – we doubted he would now find no problem with them.

We suggest alleged executive committee member Wayne Horne figure out how to tell the truth in his future writings.

Basic requirements for Veterans Commission board membership:

  • Be appointed as a delegate or alternate of a legitimate Veteran Service Organization (“VSO”)
  • Be appointed each and every year (by March 31st)
  • Be appointed each year by a VSO meeting the statutory definition by being Federally Chartered
  • For a VSO serving more than one county (ie: American Gold Star Mothers – Department of Illinois)
    • Federally Chartered
    • have 15 paid members
    • have 25% of their membership reside in Will County
    • having been formed “by and for” Veterans
    • American Gold Star Mothers – Department of Illinois fails two of the four requirements – we believe they lack the 25% of the membership residing in Will County, and, they were formed “by” Mothers of Veterans, not “by Veterans” as the current law requires



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1 Comment
  • Cody L.
    Posted at 06:07h, 16 September

    It must suck to get constantly caught in lies.
