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March 28, 2025

Commissioner Denise Williams Provides False Statement About Will County Executive Approving Grant; Use Of Hey G Consulting –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 28, 2022

Veterans Assistance Commission of Will County (ECWd) –

During the September 6, 2022, meeting of the Veterans Assistance Commission (“VAC”) of Will County, alleged Commissioner Denise WIlliams read a prepared statement filled with inaccuracies and out-right lies in her attempt at painting residents and delegates to the commission as troublemakers spreading false information.

This article focusses on Williams’ false statements about Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant’s approval of the $459,000 grant to the VAC and approval of Hay G Consulting.

First, WIlliams made false accusations against the Will County Executive, who she said approved the $495K grant and Hey G Consulting firm. The Will County Executive’s response to our FOIA request for any such approvals was as expected, they do not have any approval authority, and therefore, no such documents exist. They did acknowledge signing the county board resolution after its approval during a county board meeting in which commissioner and county board member Amanda Koch voted in favor – we believe Koch’s vote was an impermissible conflict of interest, and that it should be criminally charged as such by the State’s Attorney.

Second, Williams falsely declared (see video below) that “the VAC had secured a contract with a consulting firm, Hey G Consulting, as that firm had been used by the Will County State’s Attorney, the Will County Executive [ . . . and others . . . ] …” – she implied that the VAC could use Hey G without bidding because it had already been used by other Will County government entities and it was a professional service.

The Truth is the Will County Executive’s response shows they have NEVER used Hey G Consulting.

Denise Williams, alleged Veterans Assistance Commission (“VAC”) Commissioner and Director of the American Gold Star Mothers – Department of Illinois made many false accusations against various Will County officials in her prepared speech during the September 6, 2022, VAC meeting. Williams is not eligible to sit on the VAC board as a Delegate from American Gold Star Mothers because they are ineligible to appoint delegates or alternates to a VAC board, according to state law.

We have reached out to Denise WIlliams more than once soliciting comment, she has not replied.


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1 Comment
  • Chris
    Posted at 08:51h, 28 September

    Thank you for following up on this. As a Will County resident we are infuriated by the failure of these people to follow the law from appointment to the false statements that are continually offered up.
    Apparently they feel they are above the law and do not answer to anyone. Another reason to vote this administration out of office.
