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March 29, 2025

Two Paris Men Charged In Murder Investigation –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 13, 2022

Paris, IL. (ECWd) –


PARIS – An Illinois State Police (ISP) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) death investigation resulted in the arrest of Preston Wallace, a 20-year-old male of Paris, IL, for First Degree Murder. Also arrested was Gabriel Wallace, a 38-year-old male of Paris, IL, for Aggravated Battery (Class 3 Felony), and Mob Action (Class 4 Felony). Gabriel Wallace was also arrested on two unrelated Class X felony warrants for Home Invasion.

On August 6, 2022, at approximately 8:58 p.m., Paris Police Department (PPD) responded to a call of a fight in the street in front of a residence in the 700 block of N. Central Street. The victim, 69-year-old Gary L. White of Paris, IL, was transported to a local hospital and later to regional hospital where he succumbed to his injuries on August 8, 2022.

On August 12, 2022, an arrest warrant for Preston Wallace was issued by Edgar County State’s Attorney’s Office. PPD took Preston Wallace into custody on August 12, 2022 and he is being held in the Edgar County Jail on a $500,000, 10% to apply bond. Gabriel Wallace was taken into custody by PPD on August 12, 2022 for his outstanding warrants and charged with the additional charges stemming from this incident. Gabriel Wallace is being held in the Edgar County Jail awaiting a bond hearing on Monday, August 15, 2022. No additional information will be available for release.

The public is reminded that all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.



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  • Jessica wallace
    Posted at 20:06h, 14 August

    I’m the sister of Gabe Wallace and when does Edgar county take mugshots of ppl picked up on a FAILURE TO APPEAR AND CONTEMPT OF COURT WARRANTS…THEY DONT AND AT THAT TIME OF MUGSHOT RYAN THE CO WAS MAKING GABE LAUGH I WAS ON PHONE W GABE RIGHT BEFORE THIS AND ALSO GABE IS NOT AWARE HE IS CHARGED W ANYTHING ELSE WE KEEP TELLING HIM BUT THE EDGAR COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPT KEEPS TELLING GABE HE HAS NO OTHER CHARGES BUT THE WARRANTS HE WAS PICKED UP ON AND THEY ARE FAILURE TO APPEAR AND CONTEMPT OF COURT FROM ONE HOME INVASION CHARGE HE GOT WHILE HIM AND I WENT TO A HOUSE OF DRUGGIES TO TELL THEM TO STAY AWAY FROM OUR LIL BROTHER WHO KEEP FEEDING DRUGS TO HIM I ALSO GOT CHARGES OF CRIMINAL TRESSPASS THAT NEITHER ONE OF US ACTUALLY COMMITTED…SO THE NEWS AND ALL THE INFORMATION YOU ALL HAVE IS INCORRECT…ITS SUNDAY AUG 14TH AT 7:43 PM AND GABE STILL HAS NO CHARGES LIKE ALL THE NEWS AND PAPER CLAIM…no Ody will listen to our family something odd is going on…Jon white must be swapping roles in all this cause the video I seen leading up to fight shows Jon and Gary pulling up to house and Jon going inside w out consent and waits to spot Gabe who snuck out a Southside window and bolted down back alley away from Jon and Gary he was trying to get away then u see Jon chase Gabe 2alleys down where Gary got in car and pulled out in front of motorcycle w all 3kids in back of car they seen the whole thing lete remind you but no one has questioned amber Ashley’s or the kids and u clearly see them go in the direction of all the yelling then u see Preston walking out on porch right after calling police and he took noticed to his dad yelling for help while Jon tells Gary to kick Gabe in face and that’s all Preston could see and hear was his dad getting stomped and beat up he took action as anyone else would do…first degree murder is premeditated and u clearly see Preston did not plot or plan a murder…Jon should be held reliable …for it was his actions that caused the death of his father and also I find it weird the whole town of Paris can put their awful opinions on public sites and the cut downs they have said about Preston and Gabe and our family but non of us can defend ourselves or comment back trying to clear our names or give the truth to what happened we r all blocked from commenting or they remove them….Jon’s family is not outstanding citizens of the community Jon himself is a heroin addict who was busted in Indiana for heroin not long ago he also subjects his kids to harm by leaving needles and his drug laying around everywhere…several times police have been called to same residents for Jon trying to fight Gabe this is just the tip of the iceberg but nobody listens to us…my family we r a family of God and we have our faults just like all of you but we carry no shame in our game we admit to our wrongs and we don’t blame others for our wrong doing we tell the truth even if it is good or bad we are not fake nor are we the type of ppl to go around hurting others….if u know my family you know I’m speaking truth something this town lacks of…so I’m sick and tired of not being heard…I’m amazed at how much prarie press will do and go thru just to put lies out there I call Gary Henry and tell him no charges are yet on Gabe so he proceeds to say in another article how Gary and his family are upstanding ppl and that’s the farthest from the truth…but go ahead believe as u want but I bet I sue ur asses when all is said and done

    • Eric Pratt
      Posted at 09:21h, 15 August

      keep the faith, make sure the facts line up. For sure, never let something be one sided.

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret.)
    Posted at 22:06h, 13 August

    Interesting…that smile on the face of the elder Wallace. IF – he is guilty, I hope someone wipes that smile off of his face.

    • Jessica Wallace
      Posted at 15:12h, 15 August

      I suggest u watch what u say cause ur basically asking ppl to commit a crime ur a retired LAPD you should know this…
