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March 28, 2025

Two Motorcycles and a Car Collide; Life Flight Used –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 25, 2022


UPDATE 7-30-2022: A GoFundMe page has been setup asking for assistance for the medical bills of the motorcycle riders: (CLICK HERE to donate)

Earlier this afternoon, there was an accident in front of the North American Lighting factory on Route 1, south of Paris, Illinois.

Two motorcycles were traveling south on Route 1 when a car left the NAL parking area pulling in front of the motorcycles. The car’s view was partially blocked by a tractor-trailer turning in the right turn lane.

Both cycle riders were flown to area hospitals.

No news on their condition, and no news on the driver of the car.

We will provide updates as more information becomes available.



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  • Charla Messenger
    Posted at 23:55h, 11 August

    We are not mad at olden. We pray for him as much as we pray for our own recovery. S*** happens life is a funny way of shaking things up. He didn’t set out to kill us that day heck he didn’t even know us. I’m sure he was just a scared cuz we were shortly after the wreck. As far as our injuries go, my husband figured out better than I did. He’s sustained a broken nose and a couple broken hands. I’m so thankful for Chris messenger, my husband. He truly saved my life that day. After all that damage was assessed they came to the conclusion that I had endured severe brain trauma a broken jaw in a couple places, that broke neck, a broke back, my ribs were broken, my wrists were broken, my face had exited the bottom of my chin so they had to rebuild my face, I’ve gone through many surgeries to correct my injuries as well as I have therapy physical therapy occupational therapy and speech therapy to help with my brain trauma multiple times a day so I will be released to go home tomorrow August 12th and I couldn’t be happier. Carle hospital has been nothing short of excellent towards me and my care. Whereas Paris hospital drop the ball and just totally did my husband wrong on multiple levels with his treatment. I’m glad to report my husband is doing great as he comes to see me everyday at the hospital and here in a few hours he’ll be taking me home he is the best. Sorry for any punctuation errors in this comment as I’m talking to texting it’s easier with all my broken bones. I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and the prayers and love and support that we’ve been shown throughout this journey. The power of prayer is amazing! God is good! We have a long recovery road ahead of us but we’re going to get through it I think

  • Cindy
    Posted at 16:05h, 02 August

    That person posting as Cindy that Posted at 22:02h, 29 July is an imposter! I am NOT that stupid and would never speak like that. I take great umbrage at them trying to smear my good name as a poster by impersonating me!

  • Cindy
    Posted at 22:02h, 29 July

    Well if you make mistakes there wouldn’t be accidents but yes I see you point because maybe he was on his phone which is just as bad as dui

  • Cindy
    Posted at 10:10h, 27 July

    Driving defensively is serious business. The ignoramus that caused this should never be allowed to drive again. They had no clue what that Stop Sign meant.

  • Christy L Tingley
    Posted at 14:17h, 26 July

    I think it’s pretty shitty that he only got charged with the yeilding crap. Regardless of how the outcome weather they are ok or it should go the opposite way. He could have took these peoples lives.. these two are parents to kids and much more I realize accidents happen but in my opinion it’s not an accident it he wasn’t obeying the traffic laws if he couldn’t see then he shouldn’t have chosen to make that turn period.

  • Zack
    Posted at 21:29h, 25 July

    2 extra seconds to double check would of saved everyone from the heart ache
