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March 28, 2025

Accident Waiting to Happen: Grass on Roadway –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 25, 2022

Wilmington, IL. (ECWd)

These photos and video were taken yesterday in Wilmington, Illinois.

People need to pay attention to what they are doing and consider the consequences of their actions.

Motorcycles, especially, can lose traction on all of this grass in the roadway and end up in an accident, which could be blamed on the person throwing all the grass clippings in the roadway.

According to News Channel 20: “In Illinois, it is illegal to put grass clippings onto any public roadway as it may cause injury to motorists or become a traffic hazard. If caught by the state, you could face big fines. A first offense littering charge would land you a $1,500 fine. A third offense could mean a $25,000 fine.”

The Illinois Litter Control Act defines “litter” in Section 3(a), which includes grass clippings, and prescribes penalties for violating the Act in Section 8, ranging from a Class B Misdemeanor to a Class 4 Felony with varying fines depending on how many times you get caught. It may also include a sentence of 30 days picking up trash along a prescribed section of roadway.


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  • Kevin Kuhn
    Posted at 13:20h, 29 July

    While I don’t disagree. The person taking this video is breaking the law by driving and taking the video with their phone. They are also in the middle of the road while approaching a blind hill which they can’t see if there is an oncoming vehicle.

  • John Thorton
    Posted at 11:52h, 27 July

    20 mph gravel lane, I don’t think that red car is going the speed limit and is on the wrong side of the lane approaching a hill, if I were on a motorcycle, this would concern me. From what I understand there is only one person on that lane and he’s not complaining, now or in the past.
    Good job ECWD fighting for justice one blade of grass at a time. 🤪

  • Cindy
    Posted at 10:01h, 27 July

    That doesn’t look like private property owners doing that. That looks like county people that are ignorant of their own laws to illegally dump their grass on the roadway! (That would be your incompetent government yet again committing felonies,)

  • Aaron
    Posted at 20:49h, 26 July

    ECWD: seriously? This is bordering on Karen status here. You have high crimes being committed by the Governor and all you can whine about is grass on the road. Wow! No wonder Illinois is in such condition.

  • Hugh Askew
    Posted at 21:38h, 25 July

    Grass clippings are nothing compared to the gravel that idot drags all over 2-lane highways by running a disk along the shoulder of the road 3 or 4 times a year. This silly practice leaves gravel and fine rock all over the road and passing vehicles create dust and flying gravel that is a major hazard for all traffic.
