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February 23, 2025

Sangamon Valley Public Water District – Whoopsie Daisy – Another Correction

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 21, 2022

Champaign Co. (ECWd) –

After exposing the Sangamon Valley Public Water District’s use of public resources having all the indicators of electioneering as exposed in this article, they corrected their press release as reported in this article.

After we requested the emails they claimed to have received in the first line of their press release, they responded with a claim No Records Available as we covered in this article.

We said we would update the article if they responded to our inquiry as to what happened to the emails.

  1. The press release issued claimed emails were received regarding the flyers asking for a yes vote that is being circulated in the district?
  2. What happened to those emails?

Today we received their response.

“Mr. Allen, our statement was incorrect in that it should have said “calls and texts”, not emails.”

It appears the support for electing the board members should grow as we expose more questionable issues with this public body.  The whole premise for issuing the press release was because of emails and phone calls.  When called out for it, they claim they were incorrect and that it should have said “calls and texts”?  Who wrote the press release?  Why would they point to emails as one of the reasons if they never received a single email?  They claimed to have received a single text message and all the other communications were phone calls.

If that is the case, why have they not changed the press release to reflect what they are now claiming?

It gets better.

They claimed the minutes I requested were on their website as we covered in this article. We resubmitted our request as permitted by the Freedom of Information Act section that explains what to do when online records could not be reasonably accessed.

Resubmitted request –

  1. A copy of the meeting agenda and meeting minutes in which a vote was taken that reflected the SVPWD believes appointing board members is in the best interest of the District. 

SVPWD response-

  1.  No such records exist.

This response confirms what we thought, the board made no decision on the issue of appointing members as first claimed in the press release, which means whoever wrote the press release clearly misrepresented the truth on multiple fronts in their effort to sway the outcome of a ballot referendum.

Looking back on all the abuse of public resources and misrepresentations by the current SVPWD it appears allowing the public to elect their local officials to manage this operation is in order.

Stay tuned for even more exposure of illegal activity by this public body.



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