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March 28, 2025

AG Asked To Review Madison County Electoral Board Hearings –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 5, 2022

Madison County, IL. (ECWd) –

Press Release:

Doug Hulme Requests Illinois Attorney General to Review March 25th and 28th Election Board Hearings Chaired by Chris Slusser.

EDWARDSVILLE – A request for review was filed with the Illinois Attorney General Public Access Counselor for multiple violations of the Illinois Open Meetings Act at the March 25th and 28th Madison County Election Board hearings. 

The meeting chaired by Treasurer Chris Slusser and County Clerk Debbie Ming-Mendoza include violations consisting of the failure to give public notice, failure to provide the public an agenda, failure to give the public an opportunity to speak, failure to publicly adopt its rules per statue, secret deliberations during the meeting, and secret votes during the meeting. 

The meetings were publicly recorded, and the video was sent to the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. 

Doug Hulme, who recorded the March 25th meeting, blew the whistle on the violations of law, generating an outpouring of public condemnation for the illegal meetings. The Election Board then held a third meeting calling it a “do-over”, but when questioned publicly the board hedged on what the new third meeting actually was with respect to the previous two illegal meetings. 

“These violations of Illinois Law are very serious and for these individuals to operate a public meeting in this way is shocking,” Hulme said. “The Board tried to redo the meetings after I blew the whistle, but I think the whole situation is worse than anyone is letting on. Lawsuits are likely to be filed in circuit court and State’s Attorney Tom Haine should immediately call for a special prosecutor to see that justice is done.”

Letter to Illinois Attorney General Public Access Counselor

To Whom It May Concern;

Can you please review the March 25th and 28th 2022 Madison County Board of Election hearings chaired by Treasurer Chris Slusser and County Clerk Debbie Ming-Mendoza? Also on the board was State’s Attorney Tom Haine, Circuit Clerk Tom McCrae and Deputy Circuit Clerk Ray Wesley.

Each meeting violated the open meetings act by not noticing the meetings properly for the public, including not posting to the website, not having an agenda for each meeting, not providing the location and time of each meeting, by deliberating in secret without going into executive session (which would not be applicable anyway since there is not a provision under the Act to enter closed session to discuss objections to nomination petitions), taking final action in closed session (voting in secret) and not allowing public comment.

Fortunately the meetings were videotaped by Rob Dorman and myself since there is no record of them.

March 25th, 2022 meeting

March 28th, 2022 meeting

It is my prayer that you issue a binding opinion declaring that both meetings were illegal because of the complete disregard of the Act and issue a binding opinion declaring the meeting  violated the OMA  and all final action is null and void.

As always thank you for everything you do to ensure open and honest government.

Electronically signed

Doug Hulme


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  • Cool Guy
    Posted at 21:21h, 07 April

    Isn’t Tom Haine the son of longtime Madison Co States Attorney and State Rep Bill Haine? Figured he should be OK.

    But isn’t this Illinois for you? and expecting to get anything from Kwame Raoule’s office? c’mon. man

  • Dwight Kay
    Posted at 10:04h, 06 April

    The Madison CO. Election Board met a second time on 3/31. The reason for this meeting appears to have been to try and repair the deficiencies from the first meeting held that clearly violated the Open Meetings Act. Mr. Dwight Kay asked which meeting would be used as the official meeting of record; he received no answer. I was at this meeting. Not only was the Open Meetings Act violated, the decisions rendered by the Election Board were inconsistent with evidence presented. This Review Board lacks basic knowledge that applies to their work. It was apparent that the Board had prejudged the challenges made on 3/31. The answer? Let’s have the Circuit Court render their view of the work done by the Elections Board.

  • Publius
    Posted at 21:26h, 05 April

    I believe the SA is a good guy, but he is taking advice from a very bad guy. That being Chris Slusser who is a total Machiavellian.

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 13:13h, 05 April

    Hard to believe they did it twice… but if they wanted to thwart the objection to the petitions, this is certainly one way to do it. I always thought Madison County’s states attorney was a good guy….
