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March 28, 2025

Terry Wilke Filed False Statement of Economic Interest Form As Candidate For State Representative –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 25, 2022

Lake County, IL. (ECWd) –

After losing his bid for reelection as Avon Township Supervisor in April 2021, by a huge 73% to 28% margin, the embattled former township supervisor and current Lake County board member, Terry Wilke, decided he should take a stab at running for the Illinois House of Representatives, 62nd Representative District.

As part of his candidacy election petition packet, he is required to truthfully report certain information on a Statement of Economic Interest form, and file it with the Secretary of State.

The first less than truthful statement is in item number 2, page 2, where he is required to list the source of any income in excess of $7500 that was required to be reported in the preceding calendar year (2021). Wilke failed to list his income as lake County Board member and failed to list his income as Avon Township Supervisor for the preceding calendar year. Instead of telling the truth, he indicated no income.

Another less than truthful statement is in item number 4, page 2, of the SEI, where he must indicate the “name of each unit of government of which he was an employee, contractor, or office holder in the preceding calendar year” (the preceding calendar year is 2021).

Wilke indicated “Lake County” and “County Board Member” but failed to list “Avon Township” and “Township Supervisor” – he was the township supervisor of Avon Township for the first four months of 2021. Instead of telling the truth, he left off one of his previous offices.

Wilke signed his signature as to the truthfulness of his SEI and acknowledged the penalties for filing a false one.

We understand his petition packet has been objected to for reasons unknown to us at this time. We will attempt to livestream the petition objection hearings when they are held – it should be sometime next week or the week after.



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  • Kathiann
    Posted at 09:34h, 27 March

    White County has one at 4pm on Monday for a supervisor of assessments candidate who failed to file her pre-election certification.

  • K Berg
    Posted at 00:38h, 26 March

    I’m on pins and needles for the objection hearing.
