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October 19, 2024

Teachers Seek TRO Against CPS #299 re: Testing/Vaccination Requirements –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 11, 2022

Chicago (ECWd) –

Several educators in the Chicago Public School District #299 have filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to prohibit the school district from requiring testing or vaccinations without due process.

Tom DeVore is their attorney.

From the Court filing:

  • The Plaintiffs have a right to insist they not be compelled to be vaccinated or subjected to testing, which is purported to limit the spread of an infectious disease, unless first being afforded their procedural and substantive due process rights as provided under the Illinois Constitution and further codified under Illinois law
  • Plaintiffs all are educators within the Chicago Public School District #299
  • Chicago Public School District #299 continues to force the Plaintiffs to submit to either vaccination or testing for the COVID-19, without any lawful authority to do so
  • Plaintiffs are suffering continuing harm in that each is being subjected to an unlawful vaccination or testing policy without being provided their statutorily protected rights of due process of law by the Chicago Public School District #299
  • Plaintiffs all have clear ascertainable procedural and substantive rights under Illinois law in need of protection by this Court and every day these rights are being disregarded is irreparable.

The TRO is seeking a temporary restraining order enjoining the Board of Education of Chicago Public School District #299, or any of its agents, from requiring Plaintiffs to either vaccinate or test for COVID-19 to prevent the spread of an infectious disease unless the Plaintiffs have first been afforded their procedural and substantive due process rights under 20 ILCS 2305 et seq.



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