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March 3, 2025

Champaign Co. – Windfarm Ordinance Zoning Hearing; Suggests Unlimited Height –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 18, 2022

Champaign Co., IL. (ECWd) –

The Champaign County Zoning Board held a hearing last night on suggested changes to the county wind farm zoning ordinance.

One of the changes recommended was to eliminate any height restrictions on wind turbines.

Currently, it is set at a maximum of 500 feet, but the zoning administrator has recommended unlimited height restrictions, while at the same time suggesting nobody has asked for the change, just something he wanted to change.

During the hearing, they continually interrupted speakers by claiming their speech was not directed at the text changes to the ordinance.

Watch the hearing below:


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  • Perry Albin
    Posted at 15:53h, 18 March

    Please carefully consider this proposed change. We, here in Douglas County, now have a wind farm with turbines 600 feet tall to tip height. They have completely changed for the worse the formerly beautiful prairie landscape here in Newman Township. The flashing red lights can be seen from most locations east and southeast of Urbana. They make the nights resemble life in the midst of an arcade. If you value the natural landscape, both night and day, you should carefully consider this. There are many other safeguards that should be a part of any ordinance that makes wind turbines likely, including removal at the end of life and restoration of the land, which must be currently financed by cash on deposit in order to be meaningful. Much to consider!

  • Cindy
    Posted at 11:59h, 18 March

    People that are so ignorant that they wear masks should not be allowed to have a voice in ANY policy whatsoever. They are clearly not qualified to decide anything.
