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March 28, 2025

Calumet City Alderman Intimidating Auditor – Offers To Share Dirty Text Messages –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 2, 2022

Calumet City, IL. (ECWd) –

What does a public official do when being audited?

In Calumet City, you hire a PR firm to push out “press releases,” cut down security camera, and refuse to permit timely inspection of records. Then, after the press conference a political hack job of an opinion piece is published in a prominent newspaper which clearly shows the author’s political bias and complete lack of diligence in gathering information prior to publishing. Finally, if you are an Alderman, intimidate and harass the auditor, and even offer to share dirty text messages with her.

Oh, and don’t forget to raise hell about the mayor’s campaign contribution to the political campaign of the auditor (in a township election), while at the same time never acknowledging the same amount being donated by the mayor’s campaign to Clerk Figgs’ campaign.

During a November 2021 closed session meeting with the Calumet City Council and the auditor, Alderman Patton was observed doing what appeared to be sending and receiving text messages.

Later, an inquiry was made with him, and he was asked to provide those messages.

Responding to the inquiry, Alderman James Patton, 6th Ward Alderman in Calumet City, sent the auditor several texts/emails (more here and here) which appear to be an attempt at intimidating her in the performance of her duties (we received these messages as part of a request for review sent to the AG’s PAC office):

It is abundantly clear from his emails; Patton is clueless on the requirements of conducting an audit. There is no state licensing for auditing or forensic auditing – any licensed CPA can conduct an audit, forensic or otherwise.

From among the emails are what appear to be threats, attempts to intimidate, and asking if she wants him to share his dirty texts with her:

  • When can we expect your audit to be delivered to the city council? I’m guessing never since the submission of that report from you would constitute felony fraud, since you’re not actually a certified auditor?
  • Unfortunately for you, all you’re going to see from my texts is my wife asking me when I’m coming home for dinner, and possibly a dirty text or two from her depending on the time stamp (happy to share if you’re into that sort of thing).
  • You’re clearly a coward who won’t confront their adversary which is why you ignored my call.
  • You’re a crook. That’s not name calling. That’s truth.
  • You won’t ever produce an “audit” because that would be fraud.
  • The walls are closing in, you hitched your horse to the Wrong wagon this time.




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  • Val Duckworth
    Posted at 21:31h, 26 January

    Patton is a sleaze who harasses residents outside his one horse district buying numbers from the admin hack that has been Figgs the only Black woman with a City job who can add and subtract slow enough for the outbound whites to keep up with

  • John Weaver
    Posted at 17:31h, 02 January

    Your work has been tested, and found beyond reproach. I support your work!

  • Dave
    Posted at 17:12h, 02 January

    It certainly appears obvious an honest mistake hasn’t been made in this case
