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March 3, 2025

“Dr. Fauci Warned About Coronaviruses in 2003 – But Didn’t Act On It”

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 11, 2021

U.S. (ECWd) –

Real Clear Policy published our article on Dr. Fauci’s 2003 testimonial warnings about Coronaviruses in 2003.   The resulting article would not have happened had it not been for a Shelbyville resident’s discovery of the testimony in his search for answers to questions regarding COVID-related matters. We thank him for providing the information for our publication.

While not part of the article published, the transcript exposed an interesting admission from Dr. Fauci that should concern every citizen in this country.

How many remember the claims there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq?  Fauci was asked, “what is your assessment of the seriousness of the threat we face with bioterrorism?”  Bioterrorism is a weapon of mass destruction.

Fauci – 2003 – “I think the threat is serious. The risk of it happening is something that we can’t quantify. But if one looks at the history of what has gone on in the production of weapons of bioterrorism decades ago, that we have no real assurance of their full accountability, for example, by the Soviet Union, the recognition of weapons of bioterror that were clearly recovered in the first Gulf war, and right now obviously we need to see what happens in the current engagements.

There are numerous other concerning statements from Fauci found in the transcript and we encourage everyone to read it to better grasp the magnitude of his statements then and compare them to what he has said and done during the COVID-19 pandemic.




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  • Cindy
    Posted at 20:42h, 11 November

    Doctur Fausti has been a ghoul since the eighties. Bring on the Nuremberg trials.

  • Frank Miller
    Posted at 17:31h, 11 November

    “Yes, vitamin C has been shown to cure, reverse, and / or prevent many infectious diseases considered to be incurable and largely untreatable. Yes, many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of vitamin C. Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has access to the proper treatment with vitamin C. And yes, all of the side effects of vaccinations, whether you consider them to be many or few, are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C. To date, no viral infection has been demonstrated to be resistant to the proper dosing of vitamin C.” – Dr. Thomas Levy

    “The use of vitamin C in measles proved to be a medical curiosity. For the first time a virus infection could be handled as if it were a dog on a leash. In the Spring of 1948 measles was running in epidemic proportions in this section of the country. Our first act, then, was to have our own little daughters play with children known to be in the contageous phase. When the syndrome of fever, redness of the eyes and throat, catarrh, spasmodic bronchial cough and Koplik spots had developed and the children were obviously sick, vitamin C was started. In this experiment it was found that 1000 mg every four hours, by mouth, would modify the attack. Smaller doses allowed the disease to progress. When 1000 mg was given every two hours all evidence of the infection cleared in 48 hours. If the drug was then discontinued for a similar period (48 hours) the above syndrome returned. We observed this off and on picture for thirty days at which time the drug (vitamin C) was given 1000 mg every 2 hours around the clock for four days. This time the picture cleared and did not return. These little girls did not develop the measle rash during the above experiment and although exposed many times since still maintain this immunity. Later cases were given the vitamin by needle. The results proved to be even more dramatic. Given by injection the same complete control of the measle syndrome was in evidence at 24 and 36 hour periods, depending entirely on the amount employed and the frequency of the administration.” – Fred R. Klenner, M.D., The use of vitamin C as an antibiotic, Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1953

    • Frank Miller
      Posted at 20:00h, 11 November

      See also the video – Vitamin C The Miracle Cure 60 Minutes Living Proof

    • Tony
      Posted at 21:53h, 11 November

      J&J, being a more traditional Vax, one of the ingredients…Vit C.

  • Dave
    Posted at 15:55h, 11 November

    I wish I could say I was surprised!
