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September 19, 2024

Watchdogs Sue Illinois Attorney General Alleging Open Meetings And Public Records Violations –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 9, 2021

Chicago, IL. (ECWd) –

On August 6, 2021, the Edgar County Watchdogs and Edgar Pal filed a five-count complaint in Cook County Circuit Court naming the Office of the Illinois Attorney General and the Attorney General’s Procurement Policy and Compliance Monitoring Board alleging certain violations of the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act.

From the Complaint:

  • PPCMB violated OMA by discussing issues in a closed session that must be discussed in an open session, by redacting minutes from open sessions, and by failing to produce the verbatim audio recordings and minutes from the improper closed session held during PPCMB’s June 8, 2021 public meeting.
  • OIAG violated FOIA by failing to produce the verbatim audio recordings and unredacted minutes from PPCMB’s meetings that were held on May 7, 2021, May 10, 2021 (11:04 a.m.), May 13, 2021, May 14, 2021, and June 8, 2021.

The Complaint and all Exhibits are below (or here):

ECWD v IAG Complaint_redacted


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  • Dave
    Posted at 08:56h, 09 August Reply

    I don’t whether to laugh or cry.! I wonder, arrogance or incompetence?

  • PK
    Posted at 22:47h, 09 August Reply

    I like the way the ECWd’s call BS on the AG’s alleged server hack. Or maybe it’s the AG’s response to the alleged server hack. Either way, April 2020’s executive office BS can not be outdone by the AG’s 2021 BS. Go ECWd’s!

  • bbbbb
    Posted at 04:25h, 25 August Reply

    These lawsuits are what need to be done enmasse.Lets see one documenting the procurement process for acquisition of covd supplies.Heard elsewhere,and have video of the fact that covd supplies were sent to states in 2016!!! FOIA their budgets:IEMA,health depts.,election depts.Government Sunshine Act.Sue them for breach of contract if the elected gov. Officials are not or were not upholding the IL. Constitution,U.S. Constitution,laws,etc.Fraud and collusion as well as Article 18 of The U.S. Constitution,code241=anticonspiracy laws come to mind.Sooooooooo many lies and treasonous acts among the genocide and damages to biz and charities.Sue for Tort damages.Its all a plandemic scam and Fraud=$$$$$$ for successful litigants.Research Common Law vs. Admirtalty law.Search the patents,sec,fda,cdc, has gotten rich off this terror campaign while You,the average citizen has been impoverished and terrorized?????Who ordered all these shiny,new L.E.D.streetlight surveilance cameras/lights/microphones?Castle something or other international biz with Houston site is connected.

  • Gene Rayburn
    Posted at 23:56h, 05 September Reply

    Go g’et em dogs!

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