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March 28, 2025

Shelby County Correctly Reconsidered Two Motions Previously Passed –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 13, 2021

Shelby County, IL. (ECWd) –

During the 4 hour and 15 minute Shelby County Board Meeting on August 12, 2021, the board considered and voted on two items not listed properly on the meeting agenda.

  • They voted to appoint the State’s Attorney as Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (“GATA”)  Coordinator for the county
  • They voted to limit public comment time to once per meeting with a 3 minute time limit per speaker

However, the items were listed on the agenda as follows:

  • “Discussion and vote on recommendation for Steve Melega as GATA Coordinator”
  • “Appoint Erica Firnhaber as GATA Coordinator for Shelby County”
  • “Limit public body comment to 1 time per meeting, instead of the current 2 and limit speaking time to 5 minutes per person”

The actual vote did not represent what they told the public they were going to vote on.

During the second public comment time, I asked the board to vote to reconsider those two items and place them on the agenda for the next meeting since the actual vote did not reflect what was listed on the agenda.

The board did reconsider both items, approved the reconsideration, and the appointment will be on the next agenda. The matter of changing public comment was re-voted on as listed on the agenda (1 time per meeting, 5 minutes per person) and passed as listed.

We appreciate the board complying with the Open Meetings Act on these two items.

You can see my comments and their reconsideration votes in the below video:


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  • PK
    Posted at 16:24h, 14 August

    Ms. Kronke did, in fact, misrepresent a cost to others for the ‘second opinion’ her office sought.

    She really ought not to have responded to the commenter or to have left it at her being ‘unaware’ of the billing statement. And it could be she was misinformed by her peer associate. Instead, she spouted off a quick and dirty math fact. Accordingly, with respect to all Illinois tax payers, some amount less than a penny is free to her official budget! I have a problem with that attitude.

    Also, according to Ms. Kronke, her office expended resources to survey all other Illinois counties to find out if their county offices seek general fund revenue from leasing, renting, or licensing county owned farm ground. With regard to this issue, it’s preposterous for the Shelby County State’s Attorney’s office to contact other counties that are either home rule or commissioner forms of county government. The Shelby County Board Chair is appointed by board members. Unlike commissioner and home rule county government elections, the Shelby County board chair is not elected at large. The chair is elected by the county board membership. Therefore, it’s a waste of Illinois taxpayers for the Shelby County State’s Attorney office to survey counties that have a form different than Shelby County in order to find out anything about how their county operates much less if they have county owned farm ground. I’ll assure anyone that it costs all taxpayers of these other counties more than a penny to respond to Ms. Kronke official and wasteful survey.

  • SC
    Posted at 13:14h, 13 August

    John, your comment may have been out of order, but it was spot on.

    Thanks for the good work.

    • PK
      Posted at 16:50h, 14 August

      I agree. When it comes to providing informed commentary, Mr. Kraft is a consummate pro!
