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March 11, 2025

Paris D-95 Gives Students Free Laptops –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 19, 2021



Not only do all Paris District 95 students get free lunch, now they’re getting free laptops!

Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Larson applied and received a grant for the laptops through E2E Exchange (government e-rate funding).

Students at Memorial and Wenz Elementary, as well as Mayo Middle School received theirs last night.

Laptops are available for any student in the district in preschool through 12th grade.

Parents must fill out required paperwork and turn it in to receive the laptops.

On Friday (August 20th), Paris High School students may pick their laptops up from 3pm-5pm at 300 South Eads.

Media is invited to attend the Friday evening giveaway.

Please arrive early!

The line to get into the entrance was backed up to the highway on Wednesday evening.

(Pictures are attached and parents have given permission for them to be released).


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  • Publius
    Posted at 22:42h, 19 August

    Anyone able to provide the required paperwork for one ?

  • PK
    Posted at 20:51h, 19 August

    By way of the Illinois executive office, an Illinois high school student is eligible to enroll in the state’s free vaccine lottery but has to have one of their parents/guardians complete Paris District 95 paperwork in order to obtain a ‘free’ laptop.

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 12:23h, 19 August

    Let me get this straight, it is better to live in ignorance than to be given free Internet access via a government computer. Makes perfect sense to me.

    • Tony
      Posted at 21:41h, 19 August

      Laptops don’t magically grant internet access. For their Internet to function in the home they either A. Have a cell module and are getting net connection that way (expensive) or B. Are piggy backing off an existing home (or neighborhood) wifi/router. Meaning the access has always been there and what the kids are exposed to was controlled by the parents.

      A government laptop may undo that control, particularly if parents don’t know what intrusive background services to look for and how to disable them. And likely most with little to no IT experience would know.

    • Mike Gorman
      Posted at 12:27h, 20 August

      “Free government computer”?????? You mean TAXPAYER FUNDED computer, because as far as I know, the government has no magical money tree. Anything provided by the government is paid for by taxpayers. It’s so sad how many Americans today suck at the public teat and think it’s appropriate to do so as long as “I’m getting mine.”

      • NMWTLS
        Posted at 09:31h, 21 August

        Thank you Mike. I get so tired of hearing about “free” stuff from the government. Always good to see the reality of that pointed out.

  • Greg G
    Posted at 11:27h, 19 August

    Free everything for everyone!
    Paid for by the few of us still paying taxes!
    Keep electing the same people to these school boards, You only have yourself to blame!
    Pay your property taxes under protest!

    • TaxTheRich
      Posted at 16:23h, 19 August

      Exactly. The middle class has to pay all the taxes because Trump Gave 3 trillion in tax breaks to the wealthiest.

      • Greg G
        Posted at 09:03h, 20 August

        A lot of democrats benefit from the tax cuts.

        Speaking of democrats, Who will replace Biden when he resigns this afternoon?

        • Good Job
          Posted at 16:41h, 20 August

          Shocked that somebody of your political ideology would admit that Biden is President.

          • Greg G
            Posted at 19:16h, 20 August

            I have accepted the fact that Biden is president! Too bad democrats can’t get over the fact President Trump beat Ms. Clinton.

  • Tracey Baker
    Posted at 10:50h, 19 August

    Nothing is ever “free”. The Government got that money somewhere and it cost the schools money to get the paperwork in and distribute the laptops.
    It is nice the kids get (hopefully a nonintrusive) learning devise.

  • kathiann
    Posted at 09:43h, 19 August

    This looks like everyone, school districts included, is being drawn tighter into the web of government control….

  • Dave H
    Posted at 08:19h, 19 August

    This is how you get a top-down dictatorship in education. These people should all be fired.
