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March 27, 2025

Ladd Mayor Ejects Attorney From Meeting After She Objects To Him Calling Her A B*tch –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 27, 2021

LADD, IL. (ECWd) –

During this week’s Ladd Village Trustee meeting, and when an agenda item was up for discussion about no parking signs, the attorney for the person petitioning for the signs attempted to speak up prior to the vote, the same as other times she was at the meeting and permitted to speak – additionally, she had an email from the village telling her she was on the agenda for the parking sign petition, but the village attorney would have nothing of it.

This time, the village attorney shut her down, even though he has no authority during a public meeting.

That is when the female attorney asked the Mayor why he called her the B-word at their prior meeting.

He refused to comment, even when asked several times, and then directed the Police Chief to remove her from the meeting – just prior to her paying his B-word comment for everyone to hear.

You can watch this interaction in the below video:


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  • Mike
    Posted at 15:33h, 31 August

    Well if nothing else the attorney can air her grievance during the public comment section of the next board meeting.

    Anyways, another item on the agenda was the approval of an unspecified union contract.

    Per the ILRB > Decisions > Bargaining Unit Certifications website, the only union local present in the Village of Ladd is IBEW Local 51 which as of 2011 represented 4 employees (covering the General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and General Utilityman), all presumably in the public works department.

    Hard to find a smaller bargaining unit (about 4 employees) in a smaller town (population about 1,200).

    Pertaining to that agenda item, a board transparency improvement would be for the board to post documents (such as the presumed IBEW contract) about agenda items (such as approve union contract),

    And a citizen friendly improvement to the board agenda would be to add a second public comment section at the end of board meetings for anyone who wanted to comment about what transpired during the board meeting.

  • Jack Tarleton
    Posted at 16:50h, 29 August

    @Johnny Law: “Absent some yahoo trouble-maker…” you mean like Hizzoner the Mayor? That clown is embarrassing his town.

  • PK
    Posted at 22:57h, 27 August

    The request of “Randy” to remove anyone seemed more personal than professional, especially given that both the requester and the object of his request are each registered Illinois attorneys. Hell, they probably both appear in cases coming before Bureau County judges.

    Nonetheless, the village attorney appears to represent the village and it’s mayor/president in person, not profession. It’s “Randy” not “officer.”

    What’s the name of the creek that runs near town, officer?

  • Johnny Law
    Posted at 10:53h, 27 August

    If I were a police officer in one of these contentious PUBLIC meetings, I’d play hell removing someone who has an apparent right to speak – especially if he/she were on the agenda. Absent some yahoo trouble-maker voicing physical threats, physically approaching and menacing another, or randomly mouthing off from the public attendees and disrupting the meeting, I’d simply remain reactive to real trouble while allowing my presence to promote some semblance of order.
