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March 28, 2025

LADD, IL. Mayor Used The Racial Slur “N-word Creek”; Trustee Votes Against Name Change –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 17, 2021

LADD, IL. (ECWd) –

During a Village of Ladd, Illinois trustee meeting on August 10, 2021, Village Mayor Frank Cattani, Trustee Nelson and others were in a discussion on whether or not to support changing the name of “Negro Creek” to “Adams Creek.”

During this discussion, Mayor Cattani reminisced about the old days when they used to call it (used the racial slur) “N-word Creek” and he used word more than once.

Listen to the discussion here (or download it here):

There was additional discussion on what happens if they vote in support of the name change, such as:

  • Are we going to change the name of the White Mountains in New Hampshire?
  • Let’s not change history…let’s learn from it…
  • Are we going to change decease resident Don Negro’s name too?
  • People will still call it that…
  • This is like our heritage being torn down…erasing our history…for the sake of being politically correct…
  • Black kids can use the word, but white people can’t…

When asked for a vote to support the name change, Trustee Nelson voted “absolutely not.”

The measure passed by a majority vote, and will be forwarded to the appropriate organization who can change its name.


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  • Gary Klein
    Posted at 20:51h, 18 August

    I’d like to thank the Ladd Trustees for voting against changing the name of Negro Creek. Our family has owned farms west of Ladd since the mid 1800’s where Negro Creek traverses for over a mile. We definitely don’t want a name change. I know many of our neighbors feel the same way. Our property surveys, plat books and all maps of the area reference that creek name. I feel there are a lot of other issues to be more concerned about with the State of Illinois than to change the name of Negro Creek. It has had this name for over a century and a half and should stay for another century and a half.

    • Ignorant
      Posted at 09:11h, 19 August

      Your grandpappy probably threw the same fit when he had to give up his slave. And you are probably pissed about that too. But we owned slaves for over a century….

    • PK
      Posted at 21:42h, 19 August

      According to the discussion, the name of the creek changed last century, 1965. Being factually correct on the name change isn’t a problem for anyone but you and the bigoted mayor of Ladd, Illinois.

  • EP
    Posted at 11:35h, 18 August

    Black Africans sometimes got lumped into one group “Nigerian”. And so the word evolved.

  • Cracker
    Posted at 15:32h, 17 August

    White people never seem to have a problem with other white people disparaging minorities. Probably proud of the Confederate flag and missing the good old days with separate water fountains too.

  • jamie
    Posted at 11:57h, 17 August

    I am not fat, I am under tall…my gun is really a cordless hole punch. Sheesh, stop the insanity. Long live Chief Illiniwek, and Aunt Jemima!

    • ST
      Posted at 14:25h, 17 August


  • PK
    Posted at 11:02h, 17 August

    Good agenda item. Interesting discussion. I liked the the typewriter analogy.

    The waterway is a tributary of the Illinois River. The creek’s meaning may be derived from the French language, but the negative connotation of its current name is steeped in historical markers that, in some cases, have survived the great migration, red lining, and Illinois’ sundown towns. I viewed the film “Green Book” on cable this weeks’ beginning again, and am in favor of identifying these markers for purpose of evaluation and review, and; when indicated, change. According to wikipedia, Bureau County is 94.2% Caucasian.

    ‘Old black water, keep on rollin’
    Mississippi moon, won’t you keep on shinin’ on me
    Old black water, keep on rollin’
    Mississippi moon, won’t you keep on shinin’ on me
    Old black water, keep on rollin’
    Mississippi moon, won’t you keep on shinin’ on me
    Yeah, keep on shinin’ your light
    Gonna make everything, pretty mama
    Gonna make everything all right
    And I ain’t got no worries
    ‘Cause I ain’t in no hurry at all’ – The Doobie Brothers, 1974
