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March 28, 2025

Edgar County: “Unmask Our Kids” Rally – Livestreamed –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 8, 2021

Paris, IL. (ECWd) –

We livestreamed the “Unmask Our Kids” rally at the Edgar County Courthouse a few minutes ago.

Watch it here:

If you know of any newsworthy events we can livestream, drop us a note.


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  • PK
    Posted at 00:51h, 15 August

    I fact checked Rep Halbrook’s info about Illinois’ neighbors. Differences in state government web-page content, layout, and information about Covid-19 were appreciable and interesting. Of neighbors Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, and Tennessee, Illinois is the only state that has an executive office mandate for masks in k-12 schools.

    According to Wikipedia, Iowa is the only one in the group that is not a Dillon’s Rule State.,%20%20%20%2046%20more%20rows%20

  • Stephen Douglas
    Posted at 11:39h, 09 August

    Or the mask. Whatever works.

  • Stephen Douglas
    Posted at 11:37h, 09 August

    Do your internet research?


    Wear the !ask. Get the shot.

  • PK
    Posted at 11:29h, 09 August

    Representative Halbrook’s information about Illinois’ immediate neighbors is reminiscent of the same last April, when the Pritzker administration closed all the state parks! Careless edicts then,. Now, while a certain lawsuit and state legislature languish; we’re all beholden to Illinois’ opaque and another sketchy executive office mandate. Vote integrity in.

  • Frank Miller
    Posted at 11:17h, 09 August

    “The facts are actually not in dispute. Masks are completely irrelevant in blocking the SARS-COV-2 virus. If you doubt that, you must watch the educational session that we have done about the myth of masks. I encourage everyone to do their own internet search and discover that prior to March 2020, there were no scientific journals that asserted masks could keep out a virus. I will put it to you plainly my fellow Americans. You have been lied to by the media. To the mask believers who are angry that people won’t wear a mask. I call on you now to double your anger, but direct your anger towards those people who have lied to you. We need you to put your anger squarely where it belongs. Unleash all of your fury on the professional media complex that has lied and lied and lied to you. So-called experts keep telling you that a bandana can stop a virus that is 1000 times smaller than a hair. How stupid do you think we are?” – Dr. Simone Gold

    “I’m a spine surgeon. I have spent 40 years of my life in a mask. And I can tell you in my entire career, as Dr. Gold has alluded to, nobody was talking about masks as a control mechanism for viruses. Even the best medical masks cannot screen out, cannot protect you from this kind of small particle virus.” – Dr. Lee Merritt

  • jannie
    Posted at 07:54h, 09 August

    Boring – I feel sorry for kids of these parents — I suppose they don’t believe in following the “no shirt, no shoes” either. rules either. So if they don’t want their kids to wear a mask for the safety of the kid – why not home school the kid. I understand why people make this public health issue – the politicians who want “news coverage” and the other groups who want “news coverage” have found a cause. It’s all about getting in the news.

    • NMWTLS
      Posted at 10:57h, 09 August

      No shirt, no shoes is an aesthetic issue. Does not relate to forced masks and forced jabs at all! Get a clue….

    • bbbbb
      Posted at 19:49h, 10 August

      Janine and Douglass,et.all:NM and Surgeon are correct,if there is a virus called covd18-never been properly isolated,purified,proven by uncorrupted virologist-see Koch’Postulates,If there is a covd virus it is about.01 or microns in size.As the surgeon rightly pointed out,the masks are INEFFECTIVE against Viruses,it is like trying to filter out gnats using Swiss cheese!! As stated early in this assault against humanity,it is a Live Exercise!!Crisis actors have been documented numerous times playing dead from covd or in hospital or acting as d.c. Cops.Close ups have clearly shown fake d.c. Cop badges/emblems on arm of jacket.Supposedly Dead covd patient was caught on video smoking!! People need to learn real,Uncorrupted science and stop watching mindcontrolking,cia funded Mockingbird,,Experimentalvaccines.o,u.s.righttoknow.o,Propublica.o,ICANN.o,Vaccineconseauences.o,Vaccineimpactsc,stopthecrimes.o,,Patriots4Truth.o,henrymakow.c,,,, are chronic criminals,look into it.Bill Gates and using vaccines as population control as they did in Africa-look into it.Vaccines cause inflammation and disease outbreaks traced back to 1700’s.!! 🙂
