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March 28, 2025

Attorney Thomas DeVore Announced His Candidacy for Judge In The 5th Appellate District

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 27, 2021

Illinois (ECWd) –

Attorney Thomas Devore has announced his intent to run for Judge in the 5th Appellate District.

You can download his press release at this link or view below.

DeVore for Judge



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  • Corinne David
    Posted at 22:09h, 16 September

    Love this man! He fights for the people!

  • Truth hurts
    Posted at 16:09h, 30 July

    How many people has this guy killed? The mitigations were necessary since the State of Illinois saw more 24,000 dead from COV-19. With the upticks in the Delta variant and infections, we may have to return to some mitigation like mask wearing. No one is free to run around infecting people.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 16:59h, 30 July

      uptick in Delta variant? Do you mean 17 cases from the 28th to the 30th? He has no killed anyone, assuming you were looking for an answer to your question. The mitigations implemented was based on a one size fits all and it failed miserably. You cant treat the entire state the same way and we now see the CDC confirming that principal with the mask issue.

      • Truth Hurts
        Posted at 11:39h, 01 August

        Sorry Mr Kirk your misinformation on masks and vaccines are driving the Delta variant. The numbers are low? Wait until the variant which is more contagious and is now claiming younger people really comes to yourneck of the woods.. There is no magical wall in Central Illinois that will shield anyone from the virus. The fact is that masks Saves lives especially with a more contagious virus.
        You know who really saved lives? Governor Pritzker. The Supreme Court in a decision in the early 1900’s confirmed the ability of governments to act on public health emergencies even to the point of forcibly vaccinating people. The pandemic is not over and DeVore stance on Mask will kill people. He doesn’t deserve to be a judge of anything much less in a court.

        • Kirk Allen
          Posted at 12:07h, 01 August

          Please provide the peer-reviewed study on masks and the COVID virus. You’re not listening to what Devore has stated. He points to the law and what it says. He has not killed anyone as you claimed and if find it interesting you now claim his stance will kill people. How does a stance on the law kill people? I’ll wait….

  • PK
    Posted at 12:48h, 28 July

    The Sangamon County Circuit Clerk’s entry on July 8th for consolidated cases 2020-MR-000589 demonstrates the Court’s lack for a sense of urgency in the cause. And while the clerk lists Mr. Devore as a lead attorney in the case, I believe the onus for the EXCESSIVE time taking lands squarely on opposing council. The Court has had more than a year to decide already!

    ‘Thirty days has September,
    April, June, and November,
    All the rest have thirty-one,
    But February’s twenty-eight,
    The leap year, which comes once in four,
    Gives February one day more.’

  • Mags
    Posted at 10:19h, 28 July

    This State and Country need more like him.

    The only concern here is voter integrity. The powers that be only want their own in office.

    They do not want anyone who is not in the club.

    Hope he succeeds!

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 09:33h, 28 July

    Love Tom and love him out here educating the public like he has. He is a justice warrior!

  • Dave
    Posted at 16:41h, 27 July

