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March 28, 2025

Illinois Energy Bill Over 900 pages – Contacting Officials Is Critical

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 9, 2021

Illinois (ECWd) –

The Illinois Legislature will be back in session next week and we understand a massive Energy Bill is being put together that will impact the citizens in Illinois in ways never imagined just a few years ago.  We have been told the current stack of new laws in that bill is over 900 pages.

While we have yet to put our eyes on the bill being put together, it’s possible that one directly impacting a county government’s local control regarding wind energy may find its way into the final bill.

Senate Bill 2896CONSUMERS & CLIMATE FIRST ACTChief Sponsor Senator Celina Villanueva-(Cook County) – Biography: Born in Chicago and raised in Little Village. Full-time state legislator. Former Civic & Youth Engagement Manager at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. Bachelor’s degree in Latino/a Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Community organizer and avid reader.

The bill strips the County Government of control regarding wind farm setback distances and would be devastating to rural communities if passed.  As of publication, her bill is stuck in Assignments and has no co-sponsors.  There is no assurance the language in her bill won’t find its way into the massive Energy Bill that is being put together as we type.  How special is it that a Senator in Cook County wants to strip county government’s control of wind farm setbacks?  Special because she never has to be concerned with the wind generators being placed in her backyard.

We urge everyone to contact State Senators and State Representatives state-wide to include the leaders of the parties and voice their opinions with them.  We also urge everyone to contact the Governor as well.

We will continue to monitor the Energy Bill being put together and as soon as we have the complete language we will publish it.


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  • Greg G
    Posted at 07:09h, 10 June

    “Call the Governor”

    Good Luck getting anyone to answer the phones at his Springfield or Chicago office!!

  • jamie hostetler
    Posted at 07:02h, 10 June

    I heard the email of a farmer in Australia read on a news report the other day. He claimed the wind turbans kill off prey birds, which led to the mouse apocalypse
    they had over there. He said it is coming to America. Disturbing!

    • Kathiann
      Posted at 12:33h, 10 June

      Omgosh… that is frightening! But it totally makes sense.

  • jannie
    Posted at 16:34h, 09 June

    Tell me that the politician (sp) will read the nine hundred page report. I doubt it – they rely on what the lobbyist tell them. I don’t agree with Dave, but feel like lobbyist have much more influence than they should have.

  • Dave
    Posted at 16:14h, 09 June

    The communists have taken over the state legislature. We need to call the Springfield capital, the Kremlin. They want all power centralized in the commiecrat controlled state govt.
