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March 28, 2025

Gov Pritzker Excludes Veterans And Military From COVID Lottery

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 18, 2021

Illinois (ECWd) –

Governor Pritzker’s “All In For The Win” $10 million lottery drawing for people who have received their COVID shots DO NOT apply to Veterans, Military, or anyone who may have received their shots from a federal facility.

Also excluded are family members of those veterans and active duty personnel who may have received their shots at a federal facility.

Federal facilities include Veterans hospitals, and military installations (like Scott Air Force Base) and others.

Shameful is the word for the lottery itself, however, there are no words for the deliberate exclusion of those who are on active duty, are veterans, or may have otherwise received their shots at a federal facility.

Included are “residents” with no requirement to be a U.S. citizen – so he screws over Veterans, but permits  people who may be in the country illegally.

Nice job Gov.

We have also asked the Governor’s office for any legal authority for such a program.

BLN News first wrote about this issue.




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  • Aaron
    Posted at 06:53h, 21 June

    I have a business. How do I get a state sponsored million dollar lottery for my customers?

  • John James
    Posted at 17:23h, 19 June

    I hope we get to see Pritzker, get his shot, down at GITMO, when they activate the EBS, Don’t forget Biden got his shot, it was a FISA shot

  • Jimmy Crapstick
    Posted at 16:29h, 19 June

    What a guy…kicking Vets and our Armed Forces personnel in the teeth. Of course, the lottery itself is a joke. It doesn’t surprise me that people like him think it’s a great idea to pay/award people to get vaccinated…something that if citizens believe will help them should be done of their own volition. He’s all for paying people to stay home from work. What’s the new term, “shit show”? That’s what IL has been and continues to be.

  • Greg G
    Posted at 12:54h, 19 June

    I find it amazing that a blob of human being like Pritzker is telling everyone how to be healthy, How about JB dropping 200 lbs. and then tell us how to be healthy?

    He is a walking heart attack looking for a place to happen!
    He can’t even climb the Big Slide at the State Fair, What a mess he is!

  • jannie
    Posted at 09:56h, 19 June

    I didn’t think this lottery applied to people who have already gotten a shot. This piece is confusing. So I’ve gotten my vaccination and aren’t military or veteran I can enter into the lottery??? Also, I thought the lottery was a way to get people who were reluctant to go get the shot.
    I’m disappointed in the writers of this article as what should be readable and understandable isn’t.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 10:18h, 19 June

      The link in the article takes you to the details of the program. Sorry, the provided link was not readable or understandable.

      • JIMBO
        Posted at 14:51h, 19 June

        The “I don’t think….” should come as no surprise.

        But wait….how well has Illinois performed in the administrative ‘promisary’ to use lottery proceeds to fund ISBE’s aim….has it really been 40 years?

  • Mags
    Posted at 08:43h, 19 June

    Illinois is Broke. They are not funding what they should be. Worse yet, is why the need to Bribe people to take a jab?

    These people are a disgrace.

  • Greg
    Posted at 08:34h, 19 June

    More bullshit from Gov. Fatass! These “Winners” will be all black from the city of Chicago! More pandering to the non producers.. Where is Gov. Jelly Belly getting the money to fund this giveaway? Dan Walker is looking more like the best governor Illinois ever had and he was a disaster!

    Keep voting DemoRat for more of the same!

    • Qanon
      Posted at 08:03h, 21 June

      Of course they will be black. White people are still following their Orange Leader and don’t think the virus is real and the vaccine has a mind-control chip from Bill Gates.

      • Greg G
        Posted at 00:31h, 22 June

        Your “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is showing!

        You haven’t gotten over Hillary loosing the election have you?

        Get some help before it consumes you!

        • Qanon
          Posted at 07:55h, 22 June

          QANON. Thanks for your concern but I am over the fact Hillary lost an election that she actually got 3 million more votes in. My peace comes from the fact that we have lawfully elected a real President in Biden.

          • Greg G
            Posted at 09:06h, 22 June

            We don’t elect the president by popular vote, Did you miss that in civics class?

          • Qanon
            Posted at 13:41h, 22 June

            Yep. I am aware that we are using an antiquated voting system where voters from large metropolitan areas are discriminated against in favor of rural land-owners.

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 21:36h, 18 June

    Some important facts were left out of this article. Our Gov had nothing to do with it. The Federal Government is unable to supply the records to the state.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 10:14h, 19 June

      That may be the case but to exclude them is wrong because they could easily provide proof of vaccination to be eligible!

      • Fred More
        Posted at 11:21h, 19 June

        The other fact you left out is that if a veteran gets his/her shots through the VA, that a federal entity. Also I find your sudden interest in COV-19 pandemic curious. You have gone out of your way to deny that COV-19 was causing any deaths. You also went out of your way to try to stop various state mitigation of the virus from mask wearing to needed shutdowns of businesses. If Pritzker had not acted there would be more dead Illinoisans beyond the 25,000.

        The state of Illinois is not the only state to offer lotteries to get those who are vaccine hesitant in for shots it’s being done by many states. I also think that the VA military issue is to generate fake outrage. The important thing is that everyone who can get a vaccine get one.

        • PK
          Posted at 15:46h, 19 June

          The lottery is funded through federal grants. IDPH didn’t make way to include veterans. I wonder if the other “many state’s” public health departments decided not to make way to include veterans.

          I’ve no fake outrage to give, but it was outrageous for the Illinois admin to have closed all state parks last year…and then to require petitions to increase the scarce number that were announced open after that. Hel, it’s only been a year since that happened, For the record, many, many, if not all states did not close all of their state parks for any and all activity.

        • PK
          Posted at 10:53h, 20 June

          More for Fred.

          Cook county has its own public health department and Illinois only Home Rule county. This fact would likely cause the Illinois administration difficulty in finding a way to include veterans. Try to think about some of the challenges veterans might have endured while you’re not allowing others to be offended by the fact that veterans aren’t allowed to participate in the Illinois COVID-19 lottery . Accept, repeat, and elaborate the excuse given in plain view of the facts if you must.

          My grandfather’s grief is buried, but I remember him well.

      • PK
        Posted at 15:51h, 19 June

        I’m wondering if the investigation into the LaSalle facility is complete or if Illinois residents will be forced to accept the governor’s finding fault with his appointee only.

    • PK
      Posted at 15:28h, 19 June

      But some pertinent facts can be adduced from the advertisement and the article.

      “The prize money will be paid from federal grants received by Illinois to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic.”

      The state’s agency IDPH didn’t make way to accept those that are excluded and discussed here. This is why it pays to listen to a CPA, or in this case, Ms. Benjamin, who’s association with a couple of keen veterans amounts to putting a light here and there….where its too often overlooked.

      I also question the Illinois administration judgement for including ages 12-15.

  • Dave
    Posted at 20:53h, 18 June

    Despicable, but not surprising. The democrats have long rewarded those who violate our immigration laws.

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 20:52h, 18 June

    The man is a total waste of a human. How dare he. But it was OK to let the military build out & open mass vax centers and administer the shots. Don’t get me started on the way this state treats veterans….disgusting.
