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Chris Slusser, Madison County Treasurer facing FOIA lawsuit –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 10, 2021

Madison Co., IL. (ECWd) –

The Madison County Treasurer was named the Defendant in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Robert Dorman on May 6, 2021.

According to the Complaint:

  • On September 4th, 2020, Plaintiff submitted a FOIA request to the Defendant THE MADISON COUNTY TREASURER CHRIS SLUSSER for digital copies of any email to or from Jason Plummer to or from [email protected] from Dec 1, 2017 through Sep 5, 2020.

The Treasurer replied that there were no records.

Plaintiff stated that there is evidence the Madison County Treasurer uses personal email to conduct public business and that those emails are subject to FOIA.

Plaintiff requests the court order production of any applicable personal emails discussing the public business of the Treasurer’s Office.

The COMPLAINT and the PROOF of use of personal email.

Madison County Treasurer Chris Slusser FOIA Complaint(2)
FOIA Response 09182020 - Dorman, Rob - Sen. Plummer



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  • GW One
    Posted at 08:24h, 26 May

    Poor Madison County. First they have a Republican Executive, with a majority (29) Of the County Board members being Republicans. The County Board just rejected a new map with 27 members offered by the Executive. The County Board has tabled many appointments to essential County boards and offices. As a practical matter the County Board, acting as a deep state, has made it clear they will depose any one that has an opposing position. Further, some of the same people building their base of power within the Republican Party. at the Administration Building, are of the same people that are using a scorched policy to crush opposition opinions within the party itself. In the Republican Party. It has become so bad that the Republican Party Chairman decided on his own to endorse a Democrat in this last election. Note to other County Republican Organizations. Beware, be known for your truthfulness. Cheap suits and a bully mentality can seen from afar,

  • Elliot N
    Posted at 20:39h, 14 May

    I find it laughable that Slusser finds a FOIA request so troubling. FOIA allows the ordinary citizen to look into the not so public side of elected official’s behavior and activity. It may not be a FOIA request, but the efforts of many Republicans in Madison County are digging deep into the hypocrisy and sleazy activity of Slusser and some of his buddies. Until the Madison County Republican Party can be called fair and honest again,, I’m embarrassed to say I am a Republican.

    Posted at 21:00h, 12 May

    I believe the Madison County Record is owned by Brian Timpone, who is close with Dan Proft. Dan Proft, Timpone and Jason Plummer work together and Slusser is Plummer’s right hand guy and campaign manager. Plummer likes to surround himself with weak and submissive people. The Record is not a bad paper, but they won’t say anything bad about Slusser and Plummer cause of Timpone. Plummer is probably the biggest fraud in Illinois politics and I don’t need to get into detail, but look up the county board member Plummer ran in Madison County named Sam Perks. He lives in Springfield now and he worked for Jason at RP Lumber and worked on Plummer’s campaign. There is more to the story…Slusser and Plummer are very dishonest.

  • Elliot N.
    Posted at 16:57h, 12 May

    Interesting information regarding the record and its ownership. Nevertheless, Slusser and others have, and will, continue to be embarrassed for their use of back room political scheming and power grabbing. Sufficed it to say, it seems Madison County Republican Party has its own Deep State. The Republican Party in Madison County should ask Kyle McCarter and Dwight Kay to clean up the mess at Republican’s doorstep. Both honest, smart men.

  • Thrasher
    Posted at 00:09h, 12 May

    From the record. There is some kind of relationship with Slusser, Plummer and the record. They’ve pulled negative stories on them before but they were able to spin this one around.

    Eventually Slusser’s going to have to face the music at the November Primary and he has nothing to run on but the shame of trying to entrap someone who was innocent.

    RECORD – Another one filed May 6 by Dorman alleges Slusser circumvented the Freedom of Information Act by using personal email for county business.

    Dorman, acting pro se, claims Slusser indicated there were no records on a request for emails between State Sen. Jason Plummer and Slusser’s personal Yahoo account bewteen Dec. 1, 2016 and Sept. 11, 2020.

    But when Dorman requested the same information from the Illinois State Senate Freedom of Information Act officer, he says he was provided 22 pages of responsive documents.

    Slusser responded: “This is yet another frivolous lawsuit filed by a disgraced former county official. The emails he’s referencing were sent to my personal email account, and had nothing to do with my duties as county treasurer, so I was not required to keep these emails for the public record. He then filed two appeals with the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and in both occasions they ruled against him.”

  • GW ONE
    Posted at 08:56h, 11 May

    Slusser has used the Madison County Republican Party to self promote his political schemes and interests for some time. Aside from that he endorses Democrats over Republicans in elections. He is Madison County’s Republican
    Treasurer. What Republican would back a Democrat? Maybe he is a Democrat.
    Slusser and the six merry men that support him have shown their hand and real Republicans will root out their scandalous behavior quickly.. it’s no surprise that he has refused to honor FOIA request. Must be he has lots to hide. That’s what cover up artists always do. Slusser’s scheming is disgusting, but will we dealt with fairly and quickly..

    Posted at 22:36h, 10 May

    Does anyone believe Jason Plummer has any business running a business or in government? The guy had to move multiple times to get elected in the safest Republican senate seat in the state and that was only after Kyle McCarter kept his word and left after two terms. It’s my understanding Chris Slusser is Jason’s right hand guy and campaign manager. Slusser is dishonest and everyone knows that. Why does Madison County keep these folks around? Both of them are going after Prenzler cause he is honest…to be continued.

  • PK
    Posted at 21:21h, 10 May

    Spotlight on the senate’s FOIA officer.

  • Golden Country
    Posted at 21:07h, 10 May

    I did not see anything in the emails that would suggest wrong doing. Just responding to an invite as a speaker for a youth conference and emails to legislators voice his opinion on certain bills. Nothing here. Maybe in a following up.???

  • Sherry Brianza
    Posted at 14:12h, 10 May

    Will they ever learn? Course if you’re hiding something most people keep pulling that exercise of not producing Info! If you have nothing to hide it’s time for “show & tell”?! Sorta like Arizona election audits ?’ 😒

    • Why
      Posted at 09:30h, 11 May

      The votes were already audited (by Republicans) in Arizona. Why is it so difficult to accept that a Democrat was elected President?
