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March 28, 2025

Former Wesley Twp Official Allegedly Mailed Dildo To Attorney –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 26, 2021

Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) –

As part of a Petition for Stalking / No contact order against John Norton, the allegations supporting the Petition include the mailing of a Dildo (a sexual toy) to the attorney petitioning for the Stalking / No contact order.

From the Petition:

  • Petitioner is an attorney who had previously obtained an order of protection for a client against [John Norton] respondent. Prior to appearing in court, John Norton stated to me in the hallway “you’re gonna get it after this case is over.”
  • John Norton drafted an affidavit and forged his daughter’s signature on the affidavit. John Norton included allegations in the forged affidavit that were not true including alleging misconduct on the part of attorney Hanlon. He then caused the affidavit to be delivered to Matthew DiCianni who filed it with the court. At that time John Norton began posting statements on an internet page alleging petitioner engaged in criminal conduct and that petitioner was going to be indicted by a federal grand jury.
  • After the forged affidavit, John Norton sent petitioner an email which read “Nice try sending a blonde, wearing no mask or PPE, trying to get in my face, while attempting to to give me forged papers and trying to murder me with a biological weapon (COVID-19). Next time send a redhead, she might get lucky.” Petitioner has never sent any person to attempt to murder John Norton nor has petitioner given John Norton forged papers. Petitioner has no knowledge of any “blonde” acting on his behalf/
  • Petitioner received a package containing a dildo. The package was postmarked from Wilmington, IL and had a note that read NNNN. John Norton has signed his emails with NNNN.
  • There are other allegations listed on page 3 of the Petition consist of different emails and phone calls which can be read below or (here).

The Court Granted an Emergency Stalking / No Contact Order against John Norton on April 16, 2021, with the Plenary Hearing is scheduled for May 7 ,2021, @ 9:15 a.m. in Will County Court.

Peition Stalking Norton


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  • Roger
    Posted at 13:17h, 27 April

    Winning is not an option with John Norton. Lodging in a “county owned and operated bed and breakfast” may be in his future at some point if he continues this downward spiral..

  • Golden Country
    Posted at 19:39h, 26 April

    Is it illegal to mail a sex toy??

  • David Somerset
    Posted at 14:13h, 26 April

    Will there be an application on May 7 for issuance of a writ of habeas libido?

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret.)
    Posted at 13:45h, 26 April

    This Norton does not seem to be very bright. He is his own worst enemy. As my Mom used to say, “he cuts off his nose to spite his face.”
