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March 14, 2025

DuPage County Clerk Assisted In Uncovering Voter Fraud: 5 Charged By State’s Attorney –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 10, 2021

DuPage County, IL. (ECWd) –

Ditto to this statement from State’s Attorney Bob Berlin:

I would like to thank County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek and her office for their fine work in uncovering these alleged violations and bringing them to our attention,” Berlin said. “The charges filed today are the direct result of the cooperation and professionalism displayed by the Clerk’s Office throughout the entire investigation.

From the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Press Release:

Press Release

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

State’s Attorney Files Charges Against Five Individuals Alleging Voter Fraud

DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin announced today that his office has filed charges against five individuals accused of various charges related to election fraud in the 2020 general election. The charges are the result of investigations conducted by the State’s Attorney’s Office into thirty-two cases of alleged election fraud. While most of those cases have been closed without charges, several remain under investigation.

“I would like to thank County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek and her office for their fine work in uncovering these alleged violations and bringing them to our attention,” Berlin said. “The charges filed today are the direct result of the cooperation and professionalism displayed by the Clerk’s Office throughout the entire investigation.”

This morning, Judge Michael Fleming issued a $1,000 with 10% to apply arrest warrant for each of the following defendants.

  • Adam P. Butler, 51 years-old of Lisle. Charged with one Count of Forgery and one count of Perjury in Election Code. Both charges are a Class 3 Felony.
  • Thomas E. Wojciechowski, 73 years-old of Carol Stream. Charged with one count of Perjury in Election Code, a Class 3 Felony.
  • Colleen A. Kirchoff, 60 years-old of Naperville. Charged with Forgery and Perjury in Election Code. Both Charges are a Class 3 Felony.
  • Darrick Kent, 43 years-old of Austin, Texas. Charged with one count of Perjury in Election Code, a Class 3 Felony.
  • Amy Kent, 41 years-old of Austin, Texas. Charged with one count of Perjury in Election Code, a Class 3 Felony.

The investigations and subsequent charges are the result of in-depth training and coordinated efforts between the State’s Attorney’s Office and DuPage County Clerk’s Office. Of the five cases, three (Butler, Wojciechowski and Kirchoff) allege that the defendant attempted to cast a ballot for someone other than themself. The other two cases (Derrick and Amy Kent) allege that the defendant claimed that they had lived at a DuPage County address for thirty days or more prior to the election when in fact they had not.

“The very foundation of our country is built upon fair and free elections,” Berlin continued. “Elections are a sacred duty and while the five defendants charged today represent an infinitesimal percentage of the 491,067 votes cast in the 2020 general election, it is important that anyone suspected of attempting to interfere in any way in the election process be investigated and charged where appropriate. In addition to the Clerk’s Office, I would also like to thank Deputy Chief Investigator Dave Zdan, Investigators Greg Klebba, John McAnally, and Nick Liberio as well as Assistant State’s Attorney Katharine Klosowski for their efforts which have gone a long way in protecting the integrity of the election process.”


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  • GW ONE
    Posted at 09:10h, 18 March

    Democrats have perfected voter fraud to the extent that Republicans will only be electable in contested areas when permitted by the Dems. DuPage County State’s Attorney AWOL again just as he was in the community college scandal.

  • Cynthia S.
    Posted at 06:21h, 11 March

    People are missing the real question. Did these 10 votes make a difference in the outcome? No, they did not. Was any of this caused by the voting machines? No, it was not. How much did this investigation cost the taxpayer? Is there a conclusion of widespread voter fraud? No it does not. Have any of these commenters served as election judges? Of, course not. My goodness already.

    • NMWTLS
      Posted at 09:56h, 11 March

      This is disturbing and dangerous. A crime is a crime and charges and punishment should not be measured by any perceived or real effects. You are advocating for law enforcement to be subjective? You are saying that in law enforcement size matters? And if so, who gets to decide the parameters? My goodness already for sure!

    • PK
      Posted at 09:56h, 11 March

      I was disenfranchised in 2016….by an election judge. It seemed part of an electioneering scheme. I suppose commenting here and now about that isn’t worth much to folks like you. In other words, my comment doesn’t count either.

    • Carol Davis
      Posted at 00:21h, 16 March

      I was an Election Judge for that election, as I have also been for 17 previous elections. I’m sincerely wondering why Mr. Berlin’s office did not also prosecute the woman who came in to our polling place and voted twice, the second time as a supposed assistant to a voter who was incapacitated. I reported that incident and it was confirmed by several of the other judges. By the way Cynthia, I am waiting for this wonderful DuPage County clerk to explain the 1,626 extra .ballot‘s that were counted than voters who actually voted in that election. I’m waiting, but not holding my breath while I wait…

  • Mags
    Posted at 17:14h, 10 March

    Typical of Government employees who pat themselves on the back “for doing their jobs’. This is what Ms. Kaczmarek is paid to do. I do wish that Mr. Berlin would address the Dominion Contract she signed.

    As a Dupage County voter, I would like to see a forensic audit done of the election this past November. With all of the information coming out about how our votes can be stolen, manipulated, etc… I do not trust that the few individuals mentioned in this article are the only incidences of voter/election fraud.

    The judge should have made their penalty higher, this is a serious offense and our elected officials and Government employees need to take this matter seriously and not be so dismissive as they have in the past.

    Now that many of us have been educated as to “how the sausage is made” in our elections, very little confidence exists any longer.


  • PK
    Posted at 16:14h, 10 March

    This, of course, is not to be conflated with the matter of DuPage County’s “Anti Transparency Contract.”

  • Dave
    Posted at 14:36h, 10 March

    All cheats need held accountable
