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March 28, 2025

Urbana City Clerk Used City Property for Campaign Ad –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 18, 2021

Urbana, IL. (ECWd) –

Phyllis Clark, the current Urbana City Clerk and candidate for Clerk in the upcoming April 2021 election, apparently used her city office during a campaign ad, which also included a city employee, who appears to be on city time.

She can be seen talking about her office and the campaign while seated at her government desk.

Watch the video, it cannot be more clear:

The Illinois State Ethics Law and Urbana City Ethics Ordinance prohibit using public property and resources for campaign purposes.

Page 3 of the Ordinance defines, and page 5, Section 2-203 describes, Prohibited Political Activities. These include preparing for and campaigning for an elective office, and misappropriating city property and resources while engaging in prohibited political activity for the benefit of a campaign for elective office.

Section 2-209 (page 8) prescribes the penalties for violations of this Ordinance, which are a fine not to exceed $750, and are subject to discipline or discharge.

We suggest any interested voter or resident of the City of Urbana to file an ethics complaint with the City Ethics Officer referencing this electioneering video.

We asked the Clerk, via email for a statement on this allegation. She has not responded.

The published video is at this Facebook link (click here) – UPDATE: since publication of this article, her video has been removed from Facebook..


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  • Pattsi Wilson Buchanan
    Posted at 12:37h, 23 February


    I know “politics makes strange bedfellows”, but why haven’t you given your followers the police documents? I will:

    • John Kraft
      Posted at 12:41h, 23 February

      We are still working on (thru litigation) getting the UNREDACTED videos and police reports.

    • PK
      Posted at 14:37h, 24 February

      Speaking of a state representative, I’d like to know the names of the Illinois State Legislators who sought the Governor’s approval to cut in front of the elderly. Please consider publishing an article on that topic in the near future.

  • republican democrat
    Posted at 14:28h, 20 February

    This flub illustrates the flouting of rules prevalent in the Mayor Marlin administration. Unfortunately, Phyllis Clark is still a better choice than rival Tatiana Ammons, who, judging by her own campaign statements has barely a grasp on what the position entails. I would love to see a truly strong, independent, professionally ethical Black woman holding the city clerk seat, but neither current option is it.

    • COOL GUY
      Posted at 23:09h, 22 February

      Why not just say “I would love to see a truly strong independent professionally ethical CITIZEN of Urbana holding the seat”?

      • COOL GUY
        Posted at 23:10h, 22 February

        Corruption and ignorance are not bounded by skin color or sex.

  • PK
    Posted at 10:29h, 19 February

    If not for clearly violating Illinois State Ethics Law and thee City of Urbana Ethics Ordinance, the Clerk’s campaign message is upbeat on 24 years experience in municipal government. The video production seems fairly well done too. The seal the Clerk discusses would be on all City of Urbana Ordinances, however.

  • Mags
    Posted at 10:06h, 19 February

    Does the corruption never end? It is rampant everywhere. How did we get here? People with no honesty or integrity. Things need to change, the question is, how to clean all of this up and restore Ethics, Honesty, Integrity and Responsibility.
