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March 28, 2025

Dominion Voting Inc. v. MY PILLOW, INC. and MICHAEL J. LINDELL

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 23, 2021

U.S. (ECWd) –

Dominion Voting Inc. has filed yet another lawsuit in Federal Court regarding allegations of Defamation Per Se.  This case is against Michael Lindell, founder of My Pillow Inc.

A copy of the 115-page lawsuit can be downloaded at this link or viewed below. We will update you with more information as this case moves through the court.

2-22-21-dominion-v-my-pillow-michael-lindell-complaint (002)



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  • jim St John
    Posted at 22:38h, 05 April

    the truth is out there, and we will see you at the WHITE HOUSE on july 4 2021 to help joe move out.

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 10:52h, 25 February

    I guess no one here has noticed the guy has spent a lot of his own money for this exposure. I would think conventional advertising might not cost as much, but then, it might not draw the same attention….so if the November 3 election wasn’t stolen, oh wise ones, why is there razor wire and troops in DC? Have you yourself looked at the claims, the affidavits, listened to the experts’ testimony, which the courts would not? After the assaults Trump endured from Democrats and Republicans for the entire four years he was in office, why is a stolen election so hard for you to even consider? And did you see those Joe Biden rallies? The hard thing for most people to believe is that Joe biden got million more votes while Republicans were kicked out the counting. While you wise ones dismiss the possibility the election was stolen, it’s hard for the rest of us to believe that the guy in the basement with 10 people at his rallies got millions more votes with Republican poll watchers not allowed in the counting centers. That behavior is called evidence of guilt, at least it used to be.

    • Count Them
      Posted at 15:07h, 25 February

      Biden voters were smart enough not to attended Covid-infected rallies. And apparently, there were more Biden voters than Trump voters.

      • PK
        Posted at 19:06h, 25 February

        I remember a CNN interview in the April/May timeframe and wondered why someone so critical of the POTUS would so casually dismiss the concern of the reporter at that time. Dig it out if you like.

        Until then, here’s to the COUNT THEM futility:

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 00:31h, 24 February

    You have got to be kidding me. Joe Biden won the election. Trump lost. The election was not stolen. Words mean nothing when not supported by FACTS.,

    • Eric Blair
      Posted at 10:12h, 24 February

      Prove it. It’s on you. Where’s your facts? CNN? Obviously your ‘re a communist who salivates at the destruction of our country. Or a brain dead dope who believes everything he sees on TV. No independent thought for you.

      • WhiteBaby
        Posted at 16:29h, 24 February

        No “independent thought” says somebody who believes a habitual liar on Twitter over CNN, MSNBC, even Fox, the Electoral College, the courts, the states election commissions, and everyone else that has counted the actual votes.

        I hate to break this to you, but White Men only account for 34% of the population. If the majority of people don’t agree with you, it isn’t fraud or corruption or some election conspiracy. White Men need to get over the fact that not everybody agrees with them and “OUR” country isn’t just for White Men, but ALL Americans.

        Sorry, but for years White Men were under the impression that they were the majority. This myth was caused by 150 years of only White Men being eligible to vote for other White Men.

        Now, let’s quit acting like a bunch of White Babies and crying about our rights being stolen and learn to work with everyone, regardless of race or sex. The only thing we have lost is an advantage due to being White Men that we really should not have had to begin with.

        • PK
          Posted at 20:52h, 24 February

          WHITEBABY does white privilege rant without care for misandry or suffrage. Got it.

    • PK
      Posted at 14:22h, 24 February


      How long did it take to resolve the election challenge drawn by results from the state Jeb Bush was governing at the time? Was it the popular vote or the electoral vote that drove the challenge to one state only at that time?

      Now, assuming that overturning the result through a lengthy, drawn out legal challenge is possible always, how or why does a judge presiding over one case not get his state’s population ranking correct in writing the court’s decision while characterizing the whole of the incumbent’s challenge as “Frankenstein’s Monster”?

      Facts can be tricky things.

  • Sam Man
    Posted at 18:36h, 23 February

    Perhaps you should try walking in his shoes then you would understand his passion and distaste for ling and cheating. Sometimes it is not fraud but misrepresentation of a product like the voting machines. Many who liked Trump jumped on that bandwagon and perhaps rightfully so. It’s keeping the name “Trump” out in front and ready for 2024.

  • jannie
    Posted at 14:04h, 23 February

    Just get my name out there and sell those pillows – Best marketing tool around – how many times do we see the brand… The guy seems a little short of a full deck from what I saw/heard him speak, but maybe this is his marketing tool.

  • PK
    Posted at 13:25h, 23 February

    “But Lindell – A talented salesman and former professional card counter – sells the lie to this day because the lie sells pillows.”

    Good night! Construing with Lindell’s lack for business marketing acumen, who developed the initial electronic voting systems sales pitch as a solution for who, what, when, and where?

    • Eric Blair
      Posted at 20:30h, 23 February

      Not a lie. Election was stolen outright. Software manipulation. Highly skilled software engineers can easily hide the means in the code. Very difficult to uncover for any investigator who’s not a PhD software engineer with nothing but time to go through and analyze millions of lines of code. No real investigation was ever done. Just because there’s no direct evidence available to the public doesn’t mean a crime wasn’t committed. People have been convicted of murder based on circumstantial evidence. Besides that just look at who’s so committed to covering it up. A who’s who of American hating communist. That alone spells it all out. We’re supposed to shut up and believe all these Trump hating idiots because we can’t prove fraud with direct evidence, “They” always say the same thing; prove it. Time to turn that around, I want proof the election was legit. Don’t worry, that won’t happen with these soul-less, no credibility skin-walkers.

  • Sadie
    Posted at 13:04h, 23 February

    They call people like you Cainites, John!
