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October 19, 2024

Bloomington City Manager Radio interview in need of correction and clarification.

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 24, 2021

Bloomington, IL (ECWd) –

After publishing this article, numerous outlets focused on the Mayor’s response to a public comment made during the last city council meeting.  We will provide a video update to those comments in an upcoming article.

The following day the city manager was interviewed by the local radio station and questioned about the Mayor’s comments. While we agree with most of what he had to say, there was a glaring falsehood and other misinformation that needs to be clarified.

City Manager Gleason discussed the Mayor’s comments and explained why the city settled the lawsuit with us and claimed the city spent a couple of thousand dollars and there was no admission of guilt.  He also claimed they released the information voluntarily

“we ended up releasing this information what we could, on a personal matter voluntarily”

“a couple of thousand dollars we agreed to pay”  (radio interview at this link)

What was not disclosed is the information we requested was not provided in a Freedom of Information Act request as it should have been.  The city did not provide the very complaint on officer Squires that we knew about.  Instead, they provided other complaints while suppressing the most recent one against him.  A follow-up FOIA was also denied by attempting to cite exemptions that clearly did not apply. Only after being sued and realizing our position was correct did they provide the records.  Yes, they voluntarily turned them over but only after being sued. (Read the complaint at this link)

As far as the claim they paid our attorney’s a couple of thousand dollars, that is false.  The fact of the matter is the insurance company paid the bill of $4,500.00 and that amount, according to records available, was never before the council for approval.  That raises the question, how many city council members knew about the settlement expense? A copy of the actual payment reflects what was paid was 125% higher than claimed by the city manager.  Payment can be downloaded at this link or viewed below.

Stay tuned for our upcoming video story on this because there is plenty more to explain to the public.

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  • Ted Hartke
    Posted at 17:47h, 24 February

    You guys are wrong. The lawsuit cost was 225% more expensive than the city manager said. $4500/$2500 = 225%. Other than typo or bad math, you guys are okay. LOL. Keep this type of exposure ongoing because it is entertaining and also extremely helpful. Imagine how bad it would be if nobody was doing this work.

    • John Kraft
      Posted at 17:51h, 24 February

      That’s why you are an Engineer and we are not. LOL.

    • PK
      Posted at 21:15h, 24 February

      For 2.3X entertainment value:

      Have slide rule and pocket protector, will travel.

  • PK
    Posted at 13:37h, 24 February

    I was a resident of Bloomington for a couple years in the late 1980’s. Even so, Mayor Renner’s selfish attitude (taking more time than the public commenter did in violation of the city’s policy to listen only) and language is, in fact, painful. Thank goodness for the e-mail interruption.

    “Justice for all, let that sink in for a minute.” – Kirk Allen, September 2019

    Now, the city manager’s challenge wanes to a lessening of the cost to others with some otherwise good work on keeping the city’s bond shelving dusted off. However, under carpet objects require attention too, else they become trip hazards within the same timeframe.

  • Stan
    Posted at 13:01h, 24 February

    The copy of the disbursement from the insurance company is shown as payment on an accident claim. Perhaps more cover-up from the City. I can’t imagine an insurance company coding a disbursement wrongly.
